scientific theology

This book is part of a project to develop a new scientific and democratic foundation for a catholic theology to replace current theological hypotheses

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Scientific theology: a new history of creation

Chapter 4: A scientific word view

1. Faith and science
2. Some scientific shocks
3. Relativity
4. Quantum mechanics
5. Learning a language: the scientific method in action
6. All information comes from sensation
7. The scientific method - muddling through
8. Learning: the search for symmetry
9. Truth in science
10. The problem of animal heritage
11. A scientific revolution
12. Science and survival
13. The scientific faith
14. Work and play
15. Classifying and counting
16. Classical thermodynamics
17. Statistical mechanics
18. Catastrophe
19. Probability, symmetry, continuity and creation

4.1: Faith and science

It is common to contrast faith and science. The difference, they say, is that science deals in fact whereas faith, by definition, deals with things unseen. Since they are unseen, what we say about them cannot be checked by observation, and observation is essential to science. Jerry Coyne (2015): Faith vs. Fact: Why Science and Religion are Incompatible

We can look it this from another direction. We have faith when we have a lot of congruent facts. Without any physical argument, the fact that (in most places) the sun rises every morning and has done so since time immemorial gives us faith that it will rise tomorrow. On the other hand, science proceeds by conjecture and refutation. Both are often expensive and difficult, so funding bodies must have faith that the money they spend on any particular scientific project will yield information of significant value. Experiences has shown that the benefits of scientific work are unpredictable, but that the benefit arising from our successes can easily outweigh the cost of the failures. Funding of science - Wikipedia

There is a lot of fact based faith in the ancient religions, wisdom accumulated in oral and written traditions since human societies began consciously discussing their lives. There is also a lot of doctrine about things unseen which is open to question. From a scientific point of view the Christian history of salvation is an hypothesis to be tested against any relevant data we can gather. Salvation History - Wikipedia

Faith is good and necessary. We cannot personally test everything. We have to listen to the older generation, at least a bit. Faith and science are better that either alone. We have faith that the Sun will rise every morning, but our faith is bolstered by a scientific understanding of the dynamics of the Solar System. The Sun will only stop rising when the Earth stops turning, and if the Earth stops turning someone will notice. In general it is easier to believe things if we can see not only the evidence for them, but also how they work. A good story must fit together. Joseph Paul Forgas: Why are some people more gullible than others?

The purpose of this book is to introduce the possibility of scientific theology. The first step toward this is to see that the Universe plays all the traditional roles of god. This, to me at present is an article of faith, a hypothesis. A consequence of this faith is that all my experience becomes experience of god. If my hypothesis is found to fit the facts, my faith is strengthened. If many people were to read this story and tell me that their experiences of the world point in the same direction, would begin to feel that I am on the right track and my hypothesis has begun to move toward the a status of a theory, like evolution. At present, I feel, that the gulf between theology and science is so great that most people I meet seem to think why bother, theology can never be a science. They seem to have totally accepted the sceptical view that God is an intrinsically mysterious and invisible figment of the collective imagination.

My hypothesis might sound a bit circular: I identify god and the Universe in order to justify the establishment of a science which is based on the identification of god and the Universe. This however, is the always the nature of hypothesis. First dream it up, then use it to guide documentation and testing.

How am I decide if my hypothesis is true? Just looking at the world does not really seem to show if it created itself or was created by some agent other than itself. We need some criteria, or as Aquinas might say, some principles per se nota from which to argue.

We begin with an argument for the eternal existence of something:

Nothing comes from nothing (an axiom)
But there is something (an empirical observation)
Therefore there has always been something, QED.

Aristotle believed that the the world was eternal. Aquinas believed that God was eternal and the world was created. Eternity of the world - Wikipedia

The Catholic Catechism teaches that God created the world out of nothing. My hypothesis then implies that God created the world out of themself, since nothing comes from nothing, something only comes from God. This is a logical foundation for claiming that the world is divine. Catholic Catechism: §296 The Mystery of Creation

Logical arguments are only good if the premises are true and the inference is valid. In the previous chapter (3.3, 3.4) I have touched on some difficulties that make it hard to believe that both God and the Universe exist as separate entities. Do these difficuties carry much weight? They depend on the picture of God that Aquinas has drawn from Aristotle and the scriptures. Is this credible?

In the rest of this book I hope to present a detailed picture of a Universe that uses the starting point that Aristotle bequeathed to the Catholic Church through Thomas Aquinas: a first mover of pure activity that is capable of doing anything that does not involve contradiction. This mover is capable of evolution. First it provides variation: it can try anything. Second: selection is enforced upon its trials by an axiomatic constraint on existence: contradictions cannot exist. In other words, the activity of this mover meets the criterion for divine omnipotence set down by Aquinas. McInerny & O'Callaghan: St Thomas Aquinas, Aquinas, Summa I, 25, 3: Is God omnipotent, Hoffman & Rosenkrantz: Omnipotence

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4.2: Some scientific shocks

The message of this chapter is that when we are guided by fact rather than established opinion, reality often turns out to be more remarkable than we thought. Truth is often stranger than fiction. Of course one of the ploys of fiction is to establish false faith in the reader and then reveal a startling truth. Writers like Agatha Christie have sold billions of books using this approach, which shows how much we enjoy it. Science has a utilitarian side, but just discovering things is often pleasure enough. And it is very rare that a scientific discovery does not ultimately contribute to our collective wealth.

Consider a series of surprising discoveries that have showed us our place in the Universe. To begin with, many thought the Earth was flat. Obvious enough. Indeed, if it was spherical, we could expect the people on the other side to fall off. The Earth is a sphere, however, and we are all glued to the surface by gravity. Many people took a long time to come to terms with this fact.

Then we learnt that the obvious fact that the heavens revolve around the Earth is false. This appearance, we now know, is caused by the rotation of the Earth on its own axis. Why don't we feel this motion? Because the world is so large, steady and relatively slow moving that we do not feel the rotational forces acting upon us. We can demonstrate the Earth's rotation with a Foucault's Pendulum. Further, careful measurements of the shape of the Earth show that it has an equatorial bulge due to the centrifugal force generated by its rotation. The case is closed by the geostationary satellites that are essential to modern communication. Foucault pendulum - Wikipedia, Geostationary orbit - Wikipedia

Then we found that the Earth orbits the Sun, rather than the other way around. This discovery caused trouble for Galileo with the Church authorities, who thought the word of God recorded in the Bible meant otherwise. He had to deny the evidence of his own eyes (gathered with a telescope of his own making) in order to save his life from the murderers of the Holy Inquisition. Inquisition - Wikipedia

The next big step forward was bringing the heavens down to earth. Many of the ancients thought the heavens were made of something special, a fifth element not found here in the sublunary region. They were convinced, among other things, that circular motion was perfect so that it was fitting that all the heavenly bodies moved in perfect circles. This constraint led to the invention of very complex geometrical arrangements to explain the wandering motions of the moon and planets. Aether (classical element) - Wikipedia, Deferent and epicycle - Wikipedia

Johannes Kepler, using data collected by Tycho Brahe, himself, and others, showed that the orbit of Mars is an ellipse. This solved many of the problems that arose out of the ancient insistence on circular orbits. He was eventually able to formulate Kepler's Laws which relate the period of a planet to the size of its orbit. Kepler's work contradicted the notion that the planets were carried by celestial spheres, making the spheres superfluous. Kepler's Astronomia Nova - Wikipedia

Kepler's laws provided a foundation for Isaac Newton's law of universal gravitation. Newton stated three laws of motion that remain the foundation of classical mechanics. Newton's work showed that the same laws of motion held in the heavens as on Earth, making the ancient distinction between the heavens and the Earth unnecessary. In addition these laws are very simple, suggesting that the structure of the Universe is intelligible. Newton's Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica - Wikipedia, Newton's Laws of motion - Wikipedia

The next major scientific shock to hit the learned world came from Charles Darwin's book The Origin of Species. It had been assumed since time of Genesis that God created all the living things on Earth and that they have stayed the same from generation to generation ever since. Not so. We can also see evolution of species in the breeding of plants and animals, and we see it all the time in the technological world. Charles Darwin: The Origin of Species

Meanwhile, James Clerk Maxwell was opening up a whole new field of study: electromagnetic radiation. Classical mechanics deals with the motions of massive bodies like planets and car wheels. The other main component of our world is radiation which we know best as the sunlight which bathes the Earth. Maxwell discovered that radiation is an electromagnetic wave. Our eyes are sensitive to light, which is just a tiny fragment of the electromagnetic spectrum which extends in principle from frequencies close zero to frequencies approaching infinity. J. Clerk Maxwell: A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field, Electromagnetic Radiation - Wikipedia

Maxwell wrote that . . . we have some reason to believe, from the phenomena of light and heat, that there is an aethereal medium filling space and permeating bodies, capable of being set in motion and transmitting that motion from one part to another, and of communicating that motion to gross matter so as to heat it and affect it in various ways. This conjecture is wrong. Less than fifty years later, the young Einstein did away with Maxwell's aether and started a scientific revolution which has totally changed our view of the Universe.

None of these things were discovered by philosophers sitting in armchairs, but rather by practical people trying to deal with practical problems, like how to tell the time, how to navigate, how to breed better animals and plants for agriculture, when to plant crops, how to make better steel, and so on and on.

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4.3: Relativity

We leap over a multitude of further new developments and refutations of old ideas to the two which underlie our current picture of the Universe, relativity and quantum mechanics.

When he was young Albert Einstein imagined travelling alongside a light beam. From this standpoint, the light should seem stationary, but that disagrees with Maxwell's equations. He needed a transformation which would make light look the same no matter how fast he was travelling relative to the source of the light. Albert Einstein: On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies, Walter Isaacson: The Light Beam Rider

The result is special relativity. The Lorentz transformation at the heart of this theory makes sense of the equation c + c = c, where c is the velocity of light. Newton modelled a world in which space and time were not coupled to one another. He could imagine the instantaneous transmission of gravitational information through space. Special relativity takes into account the fact that it takes time to travel a distance. The time it takes to cover a given distance depends on the speed of travel. Using the velocity of light as the conversion factor, Einstein bound space and time together. His ideas is quite easy to understand. We all learn that we have to allow travelling time if we are not to be late for whatever.

The consequences of special relativity are profound. Einstein realized that momentum and energy behave mathematically just like space and time, and so found the most famous equation of them all, E = mc2. This relationship between mass and energy completely reshaped our ideas of mechanics and opened our eyes to both the enormous amount of energy stored in matter and the possibilities of nuclear energy. Special relativity - Wikipedia

Special relativity applies to inertial systems, those that obey Newton's first law: a body at rest remains at rest and a body in motion continues to move in a straight line unless acted upon by a force. A reference body with this property is called an inertial frame. Anything moving in an inertial frame is weightless (although it still has mass and energy). Special relativity uses the Lorentz transformation to transform between inertial frames. Lorentz transformation - Wikipedia

What about accelerated frames? Einstein saw that special relativity was incomplete, and set out to remedy the situation. His 'happiest thought' came in the Patent Office in Bern when he realized that a freely falling person would not feel their own weight, they are in inertial motion. This meant that he could use inertial frames as a starting point to find a transformation which transforms between bodies in any form of motion. The result is the General theory of relativity which has revolutionized our understanding of the large scale structure of the Universe. It introduced us to black holes and the initial singularity within which the Universe is believed to have expanded to its present size. As a consequence of relativity, we can only see the part of the Universe which is within our 'event horizon'. Beyond the horizon, the Universe may be infinite in size, a handy feature for those of us who want to make it divine. Misner, Thorne & Wheeler (1973): Gravitation

The mathematics embodied in Einstein's special and general theories is not new. The Lorentz transformation at the heart of the special theory was about 20 years old when Einstein used it. The differential geometry at the heart of the general theory began life in a paper by Bernhard Riemann, written in 1854 but not published until 1868, two years after his death. Einsteins greatest contribution lay in the physical insight which led to these applications of the mathematics. Bernhard Riemann - Wikipedia

Like Parmenides, 2400 years before him, Einstein was concerned with invariance. He was looking for the unchanging features of our moving world. The relativities are classical theories, built on the notion that the eternal God created the Universe once for all time. Charles Darwin broke this mould, but Einstein, like Isaac Newton, was looking for fixed points. At the heart of relativity is the idea that the world in itself is the same no matter where we look at it from or how fast we are moving relative to what we are looking at. There is objective truth. Quantum mechanics casts some doubt on this idea. Although Einstein contributed significantly to quantum mechanics in its early days, he was never happy with it. Abraham Pais: Einstein and quantum theory

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6.4: Quantum mechanics

The biggest scientific shock of all is quantum mechanics. Since the days of Aristotle most writers have thought of the Universe as continuous. This is despite the fact that everything we see is a discrete object of one sort or another. Democritus of Abdera was one of the few who modelled the Universe as atomic, that is made of little 'uncuttables' (Greek a tomoi). Even Democritus, however, thought that the atoms moved in continuous space and time. Historically, the apparent continuity of motion has dominated physics. In our quantized world, however, motion is like walking: it steps along one quantum of action at a time. From my point of view this is very helpful, since ultimately I want to identify the world with the mind of god, a logical process. Logic proceeds stepwise. Democritus - Wikipedia

Classical mechanics is based on continuous processes in continuous spaces. It describes the phenomena well at large scales, but does not explain how things work in detail. Classical mechanics - Wikipedia, Quantum mechanics - Wikipedia

The limitations of classical mechanics began to appear in the middle of the nineteenth century when people began to study electromagnetic radiation, which includes radiant heat and light. In 1861 Gustav Kirchoff proved that the spectrum of the radiation emitted or absorbed by a hot body depended only on the temperature of the body. This started a search for the actual relationship between temperature and spectrum. Spectroscopists gathered data, and theoreticians searched for an explanation of the data. Kirchoff's law of thermal radiation - Wikipedia

After many unsatisfactory tries, quantum physics was born in 1900 when Planck found that the interaction between electromagnetic radiation and matter was quantized, like the integers, rather than the smooth continuous function that classical physicists had expected. Tradition has it that he made the quantum assumption as an act of desperation. The important thing is that it worked and set off a trajectory of development that has now continued for 120 years and is having a profound influence on our technology. I hope to carry this into theology. Black-body radiation - Wikipedia, Thomas Kuhn: Black-Body Theory and the Quantum Discontinuity 1894-1912, Planck's Law - Wikipedia

It took nearly thirty years to develop Planck's observation and insight into quantum mechanics as we now know it. It now appears to describe the world almost exactly to the limits of our computational and observational ability. Few physicists would expect it ever to be found radically wrong, although there remain unsolved problems about the relationship of the quantum world to the classical world. Paul Dirac: The Principles of Quantum Mechanics, John von Neumann (2014): Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, Measurement in quantum mechanics - Wikipedia

If motion is not continuous, the mathematics of continuity no longer applies. So let us introduce logical continuity, the sort of continuity which makes an argument or a story continuous.

Logical continuity is embodied in the idea of mathematical proof and formalized as the propositional calculus used by computers. Turing formalized the notion of proof in his Turing machine, a machine which performs a deterministic sequence of logical operations moving from some initial state (the premisses) to some final state (conclusion). He showed that such a machine was capable of performing anything which could reasonably called a computation. Further, a turing machine could have an initial state that led to no final state. Such initial states establish the mathematical existence of incomputable functions. Logical continuity and computers play a central role in the development of this story. Martin Davis: Computability and Unsolvability, Propositional Calculus - Wikipedia, Turing machine - Wikipedia

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4.5: Learning a language: the scientific method in action

When we are very young we are a helpless load of trouble, but by smiling and laughing, being irresistibly cute, and smelling good (most of the time) we enslave our carers and mostly survive. These characteristics of newborns seem to be common across mammalian species and serve in each case to attract adult care. All these skills are part of fitting in, of learning to exploit our environment.

Our minds and bodies are tuned to learning languages. Generally they come to us easily. We learn languages by an application of the scientific method, listening (observing) and testing what we have learnt. We spend hours trying to get our babies to repeat our words and sentences and are happy when they say their first words. We learn the languages of animals, vegetables and minerals in the same way. Much of this is body language, like learning to throw and catch a ball, get dressed and do up buttons, laces and zips. Later we learn to work the hundreds of tools and appliances that fill our homes, and to deal with the thousands of circumstances that confront us in the wide world. It is the general task of science to understand and document all the languages of the world, human and non-human. de Boysson-Bardies: How Language Comes to Children

Imaginative fiction is a wonderful thing. Children have an infinite capacity play games, to make up stories, and take up roles. This continues into adulthood for all of us who write stories and design things, sifting through mountains of possibilities to find the best way to go. But success in life also depends upon having a clear understanding of the facts. This is the role of science. We can make up languages, but if we are the only speaker it is fun but practically useless. Science is a mixture of fiction and fact. It seems that the best fictions are rooted in the facts, and we tend to praise authors and actors for the realistic foundations of their fictional creations. We try to make up fictions that comfortably fit the facts but carry us beyond them.

The scientific method applies across the board. If a language is completely unknown to us, as it is to a newborn baby, we must begin by listening closely and watching the speaker, to get clues to the meaning of the sounds the speaker is making and their relationship to the other information available.

Mother says I am going to feed you now, and presents a breast, a bottle or a spoonful of food. When this scenario is repeated often enough, the correlation becomes clearer, and 'I am going to feed you now' becomes closely associated with the supply of food. After thousands of similar scenarios in thousands of different contexts, the baby will be speaking the language of their carers.

Once a baby has a minimal grasp of the language, what they already know can be used to extend their knowledge. So children are incessant questioners. What does this mean? What does that mean? What is this? What is that? Adults, like Yahweh in the Garden of Eden, are sometimes exasperated by this curiosity and try to control it. Once children were to be seen and not heard. Now the adults have little hope without, as in the bad old days, turning to violence. The development of language, like most learning tasks, is a virtuous circle. The more you do it the better you get.

Language learning is unconscious. Science is a conscious community effort to implement the same principles. Everything is trial and error. Even intelligent design is trial and error, as anyone who has tried to design something knows. From the first moment there is a continual flow of failures and better ideas until one arrives at a stable design. Even then, as soon as one starts production, new revisions will be found necessary. We learn from our mistakes. The history of engineering is a history of disasters. Boilers explode, planes crash, bridges collapse, dams burst. The causes are usually unforeseen circumstances coupled with inadequate design, poor construction, and (quite often) corruption induced by greed.

Our survival depends upon practical skills, manipulating the world and ourselves to obtain food, shelter and security. This is not always an easy task, and most societies depend on centuries of experience shared from person to person and generation to generation to learn to make a living from their environment.

Learning the language of the world, like learning a human language, is made possible because the animals, plants, and physical conditions which we depend upon for our existence have certain relatively fixed features which we can use to predict and exploit their behaviour. These features of human life have analogies in all other animate and inanimate elements of the world.

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4.6: All information comes from sensation

The foundation of science is observation. Some things, like birds, are relatively easy to watch. Others, like the global temperature record stored in the Antarctic ice sheet, can only be read with a large investment in logistics, instrumentation and expertise. Ultimately, however, all the outputs of our instruments are sensed by us, and become the input to our effort to understand what is happening. British Antarctic Survey: Ice cores and climate change

We wouldn't be writing books or even speaking to one another if we did not have knowledge, so knowledge has been a matter of interest to philosophers and writers in general for a very long time. Two of the principal questions that arose in the beginning and remains of interest to this day are where does knowledge come from? And can we trust it?

For theologians, one of the most important philosophical writers was and remains Plato (428 - 347 bce). Plato's usually wrote in dialogue form, and it is not always easy to discern which opinions are actually his. However it seems reasonably clear that he followed many ideas of Socrates, and Socrates believed that much of our knowledge is innate, planted in our minds before we are born. Jerry Samet: The Historical Controversies Surrounding Innateness

The alternative was promoted by Plato's student Aristotle. Plato was a member of the ruling class, and one can imagine his thought was motivated by a desire to find a clearly ordered and perfect mind behind the phenomena. The perfect world of heaven has served as the epitome of a well run state in many cultures, providing a place in life for everybody, from high to low.

Aristotle was more of a naturalist, happy with the endless complexities of reality, aware of Darwin's 'tangled bank'. He understood that our senses collected information from our environment in real time. The information collected by the senses is processed by the mind to become knowledge, an understanding of what is happening that can serve as the foundation for a response. We are sensing and responding all our lives through billions of sensors in our bodies and responding through our billions of muscle fibres. Between sense and muscle lies the processing power of billions of neurons. Charles Darwin

Nevertheless, we can also see the truth in Plato's position. From one point of view we are a blank slate, born without knowledge. We cannot speak at birth, and there are a lot of others things we do not appear to know. On the other hand we are born with the ability to learn, and this itself is a form of knowledge, innate knowledge. It is built into the physical network structure of our bodies, as we will see in chapter 7. This structure has been refined down to the atomic level by billions of years of evolution since life began on Earth. Earth is itself built on the 10 billion years of cosmic evolution that preceded the emergence of the solar system.

All information comes from sensation, and sensation is a form of communication. Communication does more than transmit information from one place to another, it creates information, since the basic function of communication is copying. As you read this some sort of copy of what is in my mind as I wrote finishes up in your mind as you read.

Now is this process restricted to what we call living systems. Information is closely related to entropy, that is a count of states. To increase entropy is to increase the number of states which is an act of creation. The engineers who design heat engines are somewhat saddened by the fact that entropy always increases because this has the effect of diluting the amount of mechanical energy they can win from their fuel.

We have already referred to the quantum measurement problem which lies at the interface of the invisible quantum word of probability amplitudes and the world of physical particles that we can capture and measure. Since the whole world is a quantum world, measurement is in effect identical to one quantum system communicating with another. In his book on the mathematical foundations of quantum theory, John von Neumann notes that quantum measurement increases entropy. Here he put his finger on the fact, deep in the physical world, that communication is creation. von Neumann (2014): Chapter 5 (link above)

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4.7: The scientific method - muddling through

The scientific events recorded above are a tiny fraction of the scientific information that we have collected since our species began. All of these discoveries share a common feature that we call scientific method. This method is not something cut and dried. It usually requires the application of creative imagination to new situations. Our trust in a result arises from careful review of previous results and methods used by people who are themselves working on similar problems. We call this peer review. Peer review is an ubiquitous feature of all attempts to arrive at the truth, from engineering to justice. Fortun & Bernstein: Muddling Through: Pursuing Science and Truths in the Twenty-First Century

There is a moving front in science running somewhere between known knowns, and unknown unknowns obscured in the realm of speculation. People are looking for the next step forward, building on what is known to demonstrate new connections. Often the next step comes through looking at things from a different point of view:

Here and elsewhere in science . . . that view is out of date which used to say 'Define your terms before you proceed.' All the laws and theories of physics . . . have this deep and subtle character, that they both define the concepts they use . . . and make statements about these concepts. Contrariwise, the absence of some body of theory, law and principle deprives one of the means properly to define or even to use concepts. Any forward step in human knowledge is truly creative in this sense: that theory, concept, law and method of measurement — forever inseparable — are born into the world in union. Misner, Thorne & Wheeler: Gravitation, page 71 (link above)

In effect, creation lifts itself by its bootstraps since imagination can transcend the immediate present. Much scientific progress is a matter of chance. There is a certain probability that someone will solve every problem sometime. The more people are working on a given problem, the more probable a solution becomes. This explains our habit of throwing money (which eventually means workers) at any problem facing us, either to solve them or to produce sufficient spin to hide them. What we do know, however, is that the foundation of real solutions to our problems is observation, imagination and testing.

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4.8: Learning: the search for symmetry

All religions strive to find out what their gods want and exhort their followers to accede to the will of god. The payoff, they hope, will be some quid pro quo. Because most ancient gods were modelled on contemporary queens, kings and warlords who were mostly somewhat narcissistic, the gods usually want to be worshipped. Israel's Yahweh is shamelessly up front about this:

And God spake all these words, saying,

I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.
Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Exodus 20:1-3

In the divine Universe, the task of science is quite similar. We want to find out what we must do to make our lives prosperous and happy. We have achieved a lot in this direction. We live in the midst of an explosion of knowledge and technology which improves many aspects of our lives, transport, communications, health care, and so on. But many of us are still unhappy. There is still a lot of violence in the world. More hidden violence, like slavery, family violence and the abuse of children is being revealed every day. Much of this derives from ancient cultures which must be revised.

The beauty and power of knowledge is that we compress the enormously complex world we inhabit into something dense and abstract that we can store in our minds. This is made possible by symmetry. Once we know one hydrogen atom, we know them all, because they are all the same. In politics, the rule of law works because we are all equal, that is symmetrical, before the law. Of course the rule of law is not universal. Many still enjoy privileges (private laws) which entitle them in some way to enjoy more of the world's resources than the rest of us. In the light of the universal declarations of human rights, this is a perversion in need of correction. United Nations: Official UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights Home Page

Atoms are relatively simple beings, and their behavioural repertoires are somewhat limited (even though infinite). More complex creatures have many more options and so they are less predictable. Nevertheless, to know one horse is to know them all to some degree, although they come in a vast number of colours, sizes and temperaments. There is no absolute symmetry in the world: every symmetry is broken. The symmetry of the ideal Platonic horse is broken to give us each individual horse. The same goes for people.

The network model of the Universe to be presented in the next chapter is greatly simplified through the symmetry of communication. Every act of communication has the same fundamental nature, defined by the theories of communication and computation. What changes is the content and context of the messages. Communication theory - Wikipedia, Theory of computation - Wikipedia

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4.9: Truth in science

The first phase of the scientific method is imagination, wondering how to deal with a problem, dreaming up ways to decode the data at hand. The mathematical foundation of imagination is Cantor's theorem, that tells us that by ordering a small repertoire of things, numbers or behaviours, we can develop an almost infinite repertoire of new possibilities. Left alone with a computer, children will often, by trying everything, achieve states rarely reached by more experienced users. Cantor's theorem - Wikipedia

We learn by doing and we learn by hearing. Learning by doing can be a slow and dangerous process, sometimes wasteful. Our efforts will be successful if we do everything right. If we make an error our effort will fail. Science is basically a matter of learning by doing.

The good thing is that reality is not deluded or deceptive, so that the feedback we get from the world is to be trusted. Because it is reliable, we can learn from it and do things with a good chance of success. We can built bridges on the known strengths of materials and we can cook meals given the known properties of foodstuffs. In general, if we perform identical actions we get identical results. This is not always true, because there is uncertainty in the world. But uncertainty is not falsehood and we can be certain that the world will not lie to us. The first article of scientific faith is that the world is consistent.

We can trust the physical world, but what about ourselves? The evolutionary paradigm explains the difficulty here. Resources are limited, populations (from a breeding point of view) are unlimited. So we are bound to compete with one another and, as a matter of fact, deception often turns out to be a valuable competitive tactic.

For many people this is not a comfortable position. Lying or spinning the truth creates a tension we call cognitive dissonance. Cognitive dissonance is a disintegrating force and the aim of science is to overcome it by showing that apparent contradictions do have rational explanations if we look carefully enough. A discovery is in effect a new channel of communication between two points in the world: for instance the connections between fuel and fire, or between certain microorganisms and disease. Cognitive dissonance - Wikipedia

Learning by listening to other people can be quick but problematic. Here the learner must be awake to all the sorts of delusion and deception. At a simple and harmless level, this is just a matter of games and jokes. So parents are inclined to perpetuate the myth of Father Christmas, either just for fun or as a tool to get the children to behave. In my case I was deluded and deceived for a long time by the Catholic story which permeated my education from a very early age.

Everywhere we find silver tongued salespersons, politicians and confidence tricksters, charlatans, snake-oil vendors, influencers and others like. A dangerous species of this genus are wealthy persons and corporate organizations which can convey truth or falsehood to a large number of hearers, depending on the result they are seeking. They will tell you that things that are bad for you are good for you, and vice versa. They will tell you that the car they are selling you is environmentally friendly, when it is not. They will deny that carbon based fuels cause atmospheric warming, while we know that it does. Banerjee, Song & Hasameyer: Exxon: The Road Not Taken, Volkswagen emissions scandal - Wikipedia

Tricky speech can be countered with critical evaluation of what is being said. The cigarette company says smoking is good for you; the medical profession says it is borderline fatal. An important critical principle is represented by the Latin tag: cui bonum? Who benefits? If it is the speaker, we may do well to be critical. Why are they trying to talk us into doing something for them like buying their dud product or believing their faked accounts? Gareth Hutchens: Corporate wrongdoing now endemic in Australia, Washington Post: Fact Checker: In four years, President Trump made 30,573 false or misleading claims

In adversarial situations, like the relationship between predator and prey or between nations at war, deception becomes an essential means of gaining an advantage. One of the keys to successful deception is secrecy and one of the keys to secrecy is encoding messages in a manner that can only be decoded by friends. Cracking codes, and seeing through deceptions, like learning languages, is also a matter of science: imaginative trial and testing by observation to see if we are on the right track. Hodges: Alan Turing, Andrew Hodges: Turing website

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4.10: The problem of animal heritage

Many features of our behaviour have been built in to us during our evolution, the way we breathe, the way we walk, the way our hearts beat, the way we eat. Although different cultures may treat these necessities in different ways, the basic structure is pretty much the same in everybody. This makes it possible for the average doctor to treat the most of the conditions they encounter anywhere in the world. A few will need specialist attention, and we rely on the doctor to know the limit to his expertise.

Although many people would like to deny it in the interests of human dignity, we started about ten million years ago as a pretty average animal, nevertheless special in its own way, for it was to become us. Paleontologists and geneticists have been able to create an evolutionary tree for our species Homo sapiens. They have documented our gradual evolution from a simian primate. Human evolution - Wikipedia

Ancient bones reveal the details of our physical evolution. Among thousands of changes, these bones reveal our gradual development of two legged walking, changes in our anatomy that enabled the development of speech and above all increases in brain size. They can also reveal some information about our behaviour, but do not tell us a lot about the evolution of human psychology and social behaviour. Cummins: The Evolution of Mind

As in all science, we can only view history through evidence available in the present, so much of our research about the development of mind is based on the studies of animals and humans. By ranking the animals in evolutionary order and studying ourselves as we develop from children to adults we can discern the development of the different mental traits to be found in the human repertoire.

Apart from revealing the evolution of our anatomy, bones can also reveal evidence about disease and violence. The incidence of disease and violence gives us clues to the conditions of life and the social relationships of a particular place and time. Talheim Death Pit - Wikipedia

We can also conjecture something about the way people thought from architecture, sculpture, artefacts and their treatment of the dead. In some cases we see reverent burials, often with property for use in the afterlife. In the other cases it would appear that violence had been done to the remains to prevent them from coming back to trouble the living. Maev Kennedy: Medieval villagers mutilated the dead to stop them rising, study finds

The theory of evolution provides an explanation for the incidence of violence: In a location with a fixed supply of resources life is in effect a zero sum game. Insofar as the available resources can only support a certain population, any increase in population above that number will lead to some people being deprived. In this event, we can expect most individuals and populations to use whatever means are available, including theft and violence, to ensure that they do not miss out. It may be judged better to die fighting for resources than to starve.

The exponential nature of reproduction and the variable nature of climate guarantee that there are hard times. There appears to have been no equivalent selective process in good times to put an upper limit on our desires. Aquinas recognised this when he postulated that the only thing that can completely satisfy the human desire for happiness is the vision of God. This explains the behaviour of many of the wealthiest and most powerful people on the planet: even though they are billionaires and gifted with enormous political power they want more, and they will use their power to go after more at the expense of people less fortunate than themselves. In the divine world we are always in the presence of god. What we must learn is to respect and appreciate what we see.

Unlimited desire seems to be the biggest problem we have inherited from our evolutionary past, and it can be seen as the root of many of the world's problems. It applies at many social levels from individuals through corporations to governments. Here we are interested in the implications of this human trait for theology, that is in the general theory of life on Earth. From a practical point of view we can be pretty sure that dinasaurs did not consider the effects of their reproductive efforts upon their environment. We have reached a point where we must take seriously the fact that Earth has finite resources and we must look after them if we are to survive.

The struggle for resources is still a source of violence, but there are many other causes more psychological than material, including the lusts for wealth, power, status and honour. In many societies individual thoughts and actions are closely policed. Historically the Catholic Church is one of the largest and most invasive institutions to practice thought control, limiting people to a narrow range of acceptable beliefs which often set them against one another. Honour killing - Wikipedia

One of the major causes of homicide globally is domestic violence which can be imagined to arise when one person tries to control another, usually a man trying to enslave a woman. The World Health Oranization estimate that Globally, as many as 38% of murders of women are committed by a male intimate partner. World Health Organization: Intimate partner and sexual violence against women

Theological, religious and political ideas are also subject to evolution and we might hope that with increasing education killing for psychological reasons might be minimized. The answer to the resource problem has four facets. The first, which we have practised on a huge scale, is to exploit new resources so that survival is no longer a zero sum game. The second is to improve the sharing and efficiency of our use of resources. The third is to recycle all material resources. The fourth is to turn to renewable sources of energy, that is all forms of solar energy.

In general human social evolution seems to be moving to decrease all the sources of deliberate violence through law enforcement and the mitigation of the forces of poverty and ideology that lead to war. We owe much of this improvement to the ancient religions which pursue meliorist policies, at least with regard to their own adherents. Conflicts at the interfaces of various religious and political groups are still frequent. To overcome these we must replace the sectarian nature of individual cultures with a global scientific outlook while respecting non-violent individual differences. Pinker: The Better Angels of Our Nature

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4.11: A scientific revolution

Science is a cooperative activity, so that even though the findings of science may contradict the beliefs of Christianity, the peace, cooperation and leisure time made possible by Christianity has served as an incubator for science. Many early scientists were clerics with guaranteed incomes and plenty of spare time.

We can see the origins of modern science in the introduction of Aristotle to the embryonic universities in Christian Europe. This coincides with a rapid increase in Christian knowledge of the Islamic world arising from the Crusades. Greek texts that had been preserved in the Muslim world became available to the Christian academy.

Some might claim that the dominant position of Aristotle's work in medieval universities hindered the development of science. On the other hand, his empirical approach to knowledge is more scientific that the scholastic understanding of science as applied logic. Aristotle made a clean break from his mentor, Plato, who, following Socrates, thought that our knowledge was derived from the invisible ideas, and that learning was simply a matter of becoming conscious of the unconscious knowledge implanted in us at our creation. Recovery of Aristotle - Wikipedia

Aristotle insisted that all knowledge comes through the senses, and Aquinas agreed with this position. The middle ages saw the gradual rise of practical technology for mining and metallurgy, agriculture, and engineering and the gradual breakdown of the barriers between intellectual and practical pursuits. The universities grew out of the monasteries which were in a sense agribusinesses, connecting agricultural workers to an educated population to their mutual benefit.

Aristotle was able to work his way from the physical world to the invisible drivers of the stars and planets heavens through his theory of potency and act. This model led him to the first unmoved mover, responsible for all the motion in the Universe. In the mind of the medieval theologian Thomas Aquinas, Aristotle's unmoved mover metamorphosed into the model of god which has stayed central to Christianity ever since.

The historical transition from deductive to inductive science is highlighted by the Galileo affair. The Church insisted that its interpretation of scripture carried greater weight than the observations of people like Galileo who saw that the Earth revolved around the Sun, rather than vice versa. An investigation started by Pope John Paul II in 1981 found that the Church had been unduly harsh in its condemnation of Galileo's discoveries. M. Sanchez de Toca: A Never Ending Story

Science has grown vigorously since Galileo's time, and has been the source of much public good. It still feels much political pressure however. On the one hand big science, like space exploration, is very expensive, and so requires strong political connections to get the budgets it needs.

On the other hand, our scientific understanding of the Earth and its ecosystems tells us that much of our economic activity is effectively a cancer on the planet. Like a cancer, we are destroying the global organs of planetary survival by replacing natural ecosystems with artificial substitutes and widespread pollution, often deliberate. Without the services provided by the global ecosystem the planet will become so impoverished that it will no longer be able to support us in comfort.

Science is two edged. It has enabled us to capture fossil energy and expand our footprint on the planet from a few million people consuming only their own metabolic energy to seven billion people, each consuming an average of 100 times more than their metabolic energy. On the other hand, it tells us that this course of development is ultimately a dead end. We depend on the Earth for our lives yet we are killing it.

It is an unfortunate fact that much scientific expenditure is for military purposes, seeking to create better weapons. Physics, in particular, has reapt hundreds of billions of dollars from its role in developing nuclear weapons and their delivery systems. Since the end of the war in the Pacific, nuclear weapons have become the gold standard of aggressive politics. Even today, when it is clear that such weapons are militarily useless, the politicians of major nuclear powers are upgrading their weapons and the nuclear aspirants are struggling to join the club. Stockholm International Peace Research Institute: World nuclear forces

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12. Science and survival

We might call the Christian history of salvation an 'outside story'. Christian theologians think that they can look at the world sub specie aeternitatis, ie take a god's eye view of things. Christianity also tells us that the world was made just for us, that we are children of their god and that this god is a loving father who will always look after us. Like spoilt children we can feel entitled to do whatever we like on Earth God will take care of us. Sub specie aeternitatis - Wikipedia

We have now reached the point where significant proportion of the population believe that the scientific approach is the most certain way to acquire truth. Overall, we can trust our senses more than we can trust the words of others who may be ignorant, politically motivated or even intending to deceive. Here we are going for a complete break with the hierarchical version of Catholic theology, seeking to totally overhaul the Catholic notion of God.

In recent decades, the fossil fuel industry has been strongly motivated to deny the influence of releases of methane and carbon dioxide on global temperatures. We are reaching a stage now where such 'denialism' has become a subject of ridicule among people who undertand the issues. Unfortunately the cigarette industry, following the lead of the Nazis, the Soviet Union and other repressive regimes, has taught other corporate enterprises that big spending on carefully designed propaganda can influence opinion, and ultimately influence voting in democratic parts of the world. Ari Rabin-Havt: Trump's outrageous lies come straight from big businesses' playbook

The empirical point of view is applied most thoroughly in the so called 'hard' sciences like physics, chemistry and biology, but the 'softer' sciences like ecology, psychology and sociology also rely heavily on observation to collect data. Their difficulty is often that the complexity of their subject matter make it hard to establish clear correlations between different events. As instrumentation and computing machinery radically increase our ability to collect and correlate data, we are in a position to make the soft sciences harder. Psychology, for instance, is now greatly assisted by the technologies developed to measure brain function.

The evidence based approach has long been heavily emphasized in the administration of justice. This is symbolized by the 'scales of justice'. Not only do we use scientific forensic methods to reconstruct what has happened at crime scenes, but we use juries in the courtroom to assess the credibility of witnesses with a view to establishing the facts of a case.

In the scientific domain, the equivalent of the courtroom jury is the peer review. In the divine Universe, all science is knowledge of God. Knowing God, we are better equipped to harmonize our actions with the nature of divine creativity, with the advantage that our lives become more comfortable and secure. Unlike the mainstream sciences, theology is still largely a captive of religious institutions so that creative thought in the theological realm can often lead to personal disadvantage ranging from silencing to sacking and in extreme cases murder.

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4.13: The scientific faith

Our faith is that the events of the world fit together, that they are mutually consistent, although this is not always obvious. This consistency operates at three levels. The first is the metaphysical or theological belief that God, the heart of everything, is self consistent. Science shares this belief with most religions. The second logical or linguistic belief is that we can understand the world using self consistent formal models. Since we take mathematics to be the total of consistent symbolic arrangements, we take the logical consistency of mathematics as our standard for judging both theology and the world. The third is the belief that the observable world is consistent within the bounds of uncertainty. We know we have come to a true explanation of events when we have consistency at all three levels, theology coupled to observed reality through logic and mathematics.

Some speak of the end of science, but the reality seems to be the opposite. Every new discovery raises a host of new questions, requiring further work, more discoveries, more questions. The Universe is constructed in exquisite detail right down to the level of the quantum of action. Just the blink of an eye requires a trillion trillion quanta of action, all minutely orchestrated to achieve this movement. Horgan: The End of Science

Because evolution is so fundamental, we see it everywhere from atoms to galaxies and beyond. The evolution of the Earth and the inhabitants thereof is just a tiny episode in the overall evolutionary process of the Universe. This point of view is consistent with the traditional notion expressed by Newton: This most beautiful System of the Sun, Planets, and Comets, could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful being. The only difference is that this intelligent and powerful being is the Universe itself.

Our faith that the world is consistent is the foundation of the hope that we can deal with the problems that face us. The world is a very complex system. Our outstanding success at improving human health around the globe, for instance, has lead to the problem of rapidly rising population. Our success at lifting people out of poverty has the overall effect of increasing our consumption of the resources needed to construct habitable cities.

The general answer to these problems is clear. We must control our 'footprint' by a combination of population control, renewable energy sources and recycling materials to the maximum extent possible. The motivation for this comes from the realization that our world is divine and must be treated accordingly. Ecological footprint - Wikipedia

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4.14: Work and play

God created the world in six days and on the seventh day they rested. They may have spent the holiday playing with their friends, but the Bible is silent on this. Most of us make a fairly clear distinction between work and play. Work, we might say, is disciplined behaviour aimed at achieving some goal. But this definition might serve equally well for many sorts of play, at least those we call sport. So what is the difference?

Because sharp definitions are not possible, we imagine a spectrum, running from work to play. The work end is defined by the existence of deterministic processes that must be followed to get the desired result. Such procedures, like arming a nuclear weapon, must be performed in a controlled and testable manner so that the completion of the transition from unarmed to armed (and vice versa) is reliably known and its state can be verified.

A gymnast performs a similar routine, executing a sequence of moves to be judged by a panel against an ideal for that routine. Here we are moving toward play. An element of uncontrollable uncertainty enters, particularly in ballistic moves where small errors of judgement cannot be corrected mid flight and may lead to bad landings.

Toward the further end of the spectrum are the imaginative games that children play, dynamically negotiating roles and then playing them out, limited only by imagination and sufficient consistency to make an interesting story. The logical extreme of the spectrum in the complete absence of external control on the system of interest. Insofar as it is all that there is, the divine Universe meets that criterion, so the life of god be thought of as pure play limited only by internal consistency. This book is written in a similar spirit, letting the imagination roam to transfinite dimensions, as we shall see in the model developed below.

In real life, one might define work as what pays. We do it for the income, in cash, kind or some other contribution to our welfare. This approach covers a certain amount of the work done by human agents on Earth, but probably more than half the basic work of human survival is voluntary, often motivated by necessity, often done by women. We maintain our habitat not for cash, but to maintain the consistency of local systems, ie clean nappies, clean dishes, children off to school and so on, effectively ad infinitum.

Whether paid or voluntary, maintenance is essential for survival, and when it fails in our ageing bodies, death follows. From this point of view, living is work and death comes when the operations of survival can no longer be effectively executed.

In the Sermon on the mount, Jesus encouraged his followers not to worry about material goods:

And why take ye thought for raiment?
Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow;
they toil not, neither do they spin:
Matthew 6:28

Jesus was not to know the enormously complex physiology of the lillies and every other plant, collecting solar energy to fabricate water and carbon dioxide into living tissue while releasing oxygen into the atmosphere. In the divine universe, everything works (and plays). Matthew 6:28 - Wikipedia

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4.15: Classifying and counting

On the whole scientist are looking for an objective view of the world, one which is independent of personal feelings, beliefs and points of view. Science is seeking public, not private knowledge. One way to achieve this is by using public rather than private methods of measurement. One of these, as old as ownership, is classification and counting. As long as there is a clear and accepted differentiation between horses, camels, cattle, sheep and goats, graziers can state their wealth by counting how many of each species they own. Similarly bankers can count money, shopkeepers and warehouse managers can state how many of each line of stock they are carrying. The accountants who work for these businesses devise systems of representation and applied arithmetic to keep track of goods as they flow in and out of a business. Many of the oldest known documents are cuneiform tablets written by accountants. Clay tablet - Wikipedia

Counting is used for discrete objects. The other quantities of interest to scientists and business people are continuous: masses, land areas, distances, and times. We adapt counting to the measurement of continuous quantities by establishing standard units of each quantity to be measured, seconds for time, metres for distance, kilograms for mass, and so on. There was probably a time when every human community had its own systems of units, but international science and trade have gradually eliminated most of these in favour of generally accepted measurement system of units for science, engineering and trade known as the International System (Systéme Internationale, SI). These units are defined to high precision and are closely linked where possible to natural units like the speed of light and Planck's constant. International System of Units - Wikipedia, 2019 redefinition of SI base units - Wikipedia

Quantum mechanics tells us that the world comprises vast number of discrete events. Because they are discrete, these events can be counted. Also because they are fundamental, measured by Planck's quantum of action, they are in effect the alphabet of the language of the Universe. They are our basic communication link with the Universe which made us.

We gather information about systems by 'binning' and 'counting'. The bins characterise the phenomena. There may be just two bins, corresponding to say male or female or spin-up and spin-down, or a large number, corresponding perhaps to the different socio-economic states of various people. Having found a way to separate our subjects of interest into different bins, we then count how many there are in each bin. This sort of data is the basic input to science. When we find, by counting, that a certain of number of people in the 'heavy smokers' bin get lung cancer, we can then use statistical methods to calculate the probability that smoking is associated with cancer.

The basic technology of high energy physics is to accelerate particles to very high energies with a machine like the Large Hadron Collider, arrange for them to collide with one another and then collect, classify and count all the particles that arise from the collision. In the case of the LHC one of the collection, classification and counting devices is the 7000 tonne ATLAS. The data collected is checked against the current modelling of what is happening in the collision to see if the theoreticians are on the right track. Large Hadron Collider - Wikipedia, Atlas Detector - CERN

We make similar observations on one another. We have a large vocabulary of bins to describe our relationships with one another, and when discussing these relationships we may comment on how many of our friends fit into each of the chosen categories, happy, sad, suicidal, stupid, sensitive, etc. We see a lot of this going on in the comment sections of web pages. Although some might characterize this as mere gossip, it often carries important information which should be noticed, and serves as a social binder or bonding agent. Eryn Newman

Counting, through the collection of statistics, is the input to government. Through their bureaux of statistics, governments gain an abstract view of the state of their communities and can form political ideas about what they must do to maintain their popularity and power. Governments also like to hear good news, so there may be pressure on the scientific inputs to government to get the right (wrong) answers. Such corruption is a fundamental cause of failed nations. Acemoglu & Robinson: Why Nations Fail.

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4.16: Classical thermodynamics

Theology and astronomy are the oldest sciences, closely connected by the belief that what happens in heavens controls what happens on Earth. In the Christian story, Heaven is the abode of an invisible God, and that God has total control of everything. Another view, possibly more ancient, is that the motions of the visible planets control us. This belief, which we now call astrology, provided strong motivation for rulers to invest in physical astronomy, the careful measurement of planetary and stellar motions, and the related efforts to understand and predict planetary motion. Astrologers apply these results in their work, hoping to discern the fate of their employer. Astrology - Wikipedia

Aristotle was interested in both theology and astronomy. His study of the first mover of the heavens had a theological aspect that fed into Christianity through the world of Aquinas. He also believed that the perfection of the heavens demanded that their motions be circular. This motivated a complex system of epicycles to explain the wandering behaviour of the planets and the moon. It was not until Kepler demonstrated that the orbit of Mars is an ellipse that the a solution to the mystery of planetary motion became possible, leading to Newton's law of universal gravitation.

Although the control of fire is considered to be a major step forward in human technology, and fire was considered to be one of the four sublunary elements, there does not seem to have been much interest in the study of heat. Hero of Alexandria (c. 10 - c. 70 CE) was a Greek experimenter and engineer who devised a steam powered reaction turbine called an aeolipile and a wind turbine, but nobody appears to have thought much about heat until engineers in the 17th century began to devise the first practical engines for converting heat into mechanical energy. Hero of Alexandria - Wikipedia

Thermodynamics began as a study of these heat engines to understand how they worked and what they could do. Their most remarkable feature is the conversion of the invisible submicroscopic random motion of the molecules in hot bodies into the mechanical and electrical energy that powers almost everything we do. From the point of view of this essay the importance of thermodynamics, and the statistical mechanics and quantum mechanics which grew from it, is that it exhibits the creative relationship between random and deterministic processes. This relationship has enabled the Universe to create itself from a very simple beginning identical to the classical God. Hero of Alexandria - Wikipedia

The amount of energy in a substance is proportional to its temperature. A heat engine is a device for moving heat energy from a hot substance to a cold substance while extracting some of the energy difference as mechanical energy. our most familiar heat engines are the internal combustion engines in our motor vehicles, lawnmowers and chainsaws. Much of our electricity is generated by steam and gas turbines in our power stations. Refrigerators are also heat engines, consuming mechanical energy to move heat from a cold reservoir inside the fridge to a hot reservoir, outisde. The largest and most important heat engine on the planet is the atmosphere, which uses temperature differences caused by solar energy to create winds and ocean currents.

Heat engines were the essential foundation of the industrial revolution. They have greatly enriched our lives by enabling us to perform physical tasks which cannot possibly be achieved by human or animal muscle, work like flying or motoring at 100 km per hour. They are being rapidly replaced by photovoltaic devices which use the energy in solar photons to create electric currents, and wind turbines which extract kinetic energy from wind so that eventually almost our whole mechanical economy will be electrified. It is essential that carbon burning sources of energy be eliminated as soon as possible because the carbon dioxide released by such sources is causing a dangerously rapid rise in global temperature.

Physiologically, each of us consumes about 10 megajoules of energy per day to live, provided by our food. In advanced economies each of our lives is assisted by about 100 times as much energy, a gigajoule per day. Fortunately the energy in sunshine and wind is many times greater than the needs of any conceivable civilization.

With the advent of steam engines, engineers began to wonder just how much mechanical energy a heat engine could extract from a given amount of heat. The first step toward this goal was the ability to measure energy.

From a historical point of view, we might identify a fundamental breakthrough in classical physics as the discovery that energy is conserved. People had long thought that there must be things that did not change in our moving world. We now know that the total amount of energy in an isolated system remains constant. An isolated system is one that does not exchange energy with its environment. This law, that the energy in a system is indifferent to the passage of time gives us an eternal (invariant) basis for the building a model of our world. We call it the first law of thermodynamics.

The discovery of the conservation of energy was not possible until it was realized that heat is a form of energy and that energy comes in two forms, kinetic and potential. Kinetic energy is the energy associated with motion. Potential energy is stored energy often found where systems are bound together by communications like gravitation or electromagnetism. Heat is also a form of stored energy but the discovery that heat is the kinetic energy of the moving particles in any macroscopic sample of matter had to await Einstein's explanation of Brownian motion. Albert Einstein (1905): Investigations on the Theory of Brownian Movement, Brownian motion - Wikipedia

All these invisible particles are in perpetual motion. The energy of the motion is measured by temperature, faster motion means higher temperature. There is an absolute zero of temperature (about -273 degrees Celsius) but it is inaccessible because it is impossible to bring the particles in a macroscopic sample of matter to complete rest. Nevertheless the measure of temperature appropriate for the study of heat engines is the Kelvin scale which uses this natural zero.

By measuring the heat energy going into an engine and the mechanical energy coming out, they found that only a fraction of the heat energy appeared as mechanical energy. Could a perfect steam energy convert all the energy in the coal into mechanical energy? The answer, provided by the second law of thermodynamics, is no. This answer, the Carnot efficiency, also set a standard of efficiency for engineers to aim for.

The major step in understanding the heat engine was Sadi Carnot's invention of the Carnot cycle. The important feature of the Carnot cycle is that it is reversible. It can transform between heat energy and mechanical energy in both directions. This transformation operates between the microscopic world of quantum phenomena and the macroscopic world of planes, trains and automobiles in which we live. Carnot cycle - Wikipedia

The Carnot engine takes in heat at a high temperature, transforms some of this heat into mechanical energy and excretes the remaining energy at a low temperature. Operated in reverse, it will take in heat at a low temperature, and using the mechanical energy input to it deliver the plus the mechanical energy input at a higher temperature. Ideally the entropy of the high and low temperature sources is the same, so that the entropy of the mechanical energy output from or input to the engine is zero.

The efficiency, ε, of a heat engine working between a high temperature T1 and a low temperature T2 is given by the equation below. The temperatures here are measured in Kelvin.

η = (T1 - T2) / T1

η can only reach 100% if T2) is zero. Since the exhaust temperatures of internal combustion engines are about 1000 K and the combustion temperature maybe 2000 K, the best efficiency we can ever expect is about 50%, sometimes reached by large diesel engines.

The Carnot cycle is reversible because it conserves entropy. Entropy is a measure of complexity, which can be computed by counting the number of different states available to a system. We might think of the number of states as the amount of information encoded in the system, sometimes known as its variety. A transformation from one state to another and back again is only possible if no information is lost in the process. Since the ideal Carnot cycle conserves entropy, no information is lost when the cycle is operated. The past state can be reconstructed from the future state. In real life, of course, our approximations to the ideal Carnot cycle are imperfect. Imperfection introduces noise into the system so that reversibility is lost.

In information technology, the equivalent of the Carnot cycle is the lossless coder-decoder, or codec, a computational device the encodes and decodes messages. A lossless codec preserves all the information in its input so that its output represents the same amount of information as the input, and the output may be decoded to reproduce the input exactly. We will see the same situation in the evolution of an unobserved quantum system where the evolution of the state vector |ψ> is mathmatically deterministic and therefore reversible. Codec - Wikipedia

Mechanical energy has zero entropy because it has only has only one state, which is equivalent to saying that it is deterministic. The determinism of mechanical energy lies at the root of all our engineering and technology. The Carnot cycle extracts a deterministic feature out of the random motions of a vast number of particles. This ability to get order out of chaos is also the foundation of evolution.

The second law of thermodynamics tells us that the entropy, that is the complexity, of the Universe never decreases, an indication of its creative power. Heat energy is always associated with entropy. Higher temperatures correspond in general to lower entropy per unit of energy. Mechanical energy effectively has zero entropy, corresponding to a (formally) infinite temperature.

Many of the ecosystem services provided by the Earth can be understood through thermodynamics. The basic inanimate transport mechanisms on Earth are winds, ocean currents and rivers. All these mechanical processes are driven by solar energy. In terms of the Carnot cycle, the hot source is the Sun, whose surface approaches 6000 K and the cold source is space, whose temperatures is about 3 K.Wind - Wikipedia

Warm air is lighter that cold air, so when the air is heated by contact with warm land and water it rises, to be replaced by air blowing in from elsewhere. This process is in effect a heat engine, using heat to produce the kinetic energy of wind. Winds drive ocean currents (and wind turbines). Similar heat engines, whose hot source is at the centre of the Earth and the cold source is at the surface, drive the major magma flows within the Earth which provide the Earth's magnetic field and drive continental drift and the volcanism that makes the surface of Earth fertile. Tectonics - Wikipedia

Rising air cools and, if its moist, the cooling leads to the formation of clouds and raindrops. Rain on the high country serves as a major geotectonic force, shaping the landscape. These processes, involving phase changes, can be understood statistically, but because they are often quite complex they lead us into an extension of thermodynamics known as statistical mechaincs. Rain - Wikipedia

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4.17: Statistical mechanics

Thermodynamics as a science proceeds without any knowledge of molecules and molecular processes. It is one of simplest and most important sciences of matter. Einstein was deeply moved by its power:

A theory is the more impressive the greater the simplicity of its premises, the more different kinds of things it relates, and the more extended its area of applicability. Therefore the deep impression that classical thermodynamics made upon me. It is the only physical theory of universal content which I am convinced will never be overthrown, within the framework of applicability of its basic concepts. Albert Einstein (2000): Thermodynamics - Wikiquote

Thermodynamics grew into statistical mechanics when people sought to understand the behaviour of macroscopic phenomena in terms of the microscopic atomic and molecular world. Two of the leading figures in this transition were James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879) and Ludwig Boltzmann (1844-1906). Maxwell is best known for his study of electromagnetic radiation and the discovery of the Maxwell equations. Boltzmann set out to understand the molecular basis of entropy. James Clerk Maxwell - Wikipedia, Ludwig Boltzmann - Wikipedia

Atoms and molecules are very small and exceedingly numerous. Eighteen cubic centimetres of water, a soup-spoonful, contains Avogadro's number of molecules, approximately one followed by 24 zeros. Avogradro did not know this number but it is named for him because he proposed that certain volumes of any gas (at a certain temperature and pressure) would contain the same number of particles. Jean Perrin was given the Nobel Prize in 1926 for his estimation of the number. Avogadro constant - Wikipedia

Students of condensed matter wished to apply Newtonian mechanics to solids, liquids and gasses, but the vast number of particles involved meant that they could not be treated as individuals, like the planets. Statistical methods were required. This was made possible, at least in dilute gasses, by imagining all the particles as little elastic balls that collided with one another and the walls of their container and obeyed the laws of conservation of energy and momentum. The total kinetic energy of all the particles in the gas at constant temperature was held constant, and all the collisions were understood to conserve momentum. Kinetic theory of gases - Wikipedia

This approach enabled the computation of the velocity distribution of the particles of a gas at a given temperature. It is quite high: in still air at room temperature, the mean speed of a molecule is about 500 metres per second, that is 1800 km per hour.

Boltzmann was interested in finding the molecular basis of thermodynamic entropy. He introduced the idea that entropy is a measure of complexity, which is a count of the number of different ways the particles within a substance can be arranged, that is a count of permutations. Using this approach he derived a mathematical expression for the Boltzmann entropy. He assumed that all the particles in the substance of interest were statistically independent and arrived at the formula carved on his gravestone S = k log W where S is the entropy, k is Boltzmann's constant which relates the measured entropy to log W and W is the count of the number of ways the molecules in a substance can be arranged which Boltzmann called the number of complexions. Boltzmann's entropy formula - Wikipedia

On the whole reality is not so simple, and forces exist between particles even where they are not in contact. Quantum mechanics is necessary to understand the phenomena that result. One of the consequences of forces acting between particles are phase changes. There are many different phase changes observed in nature. Here we mention just three, the interplay between gas, liquid and solid as the temperature and pressure of a substance are varied. Phase (matter) - Wikipedia

The changing phases of water play an central role in the global climate and local weather. This happens because large amounts of energy must be supplied to transform ice into water and water into steam. The same amount of energy is released when steam condenses and water freezes. As steam is cooled, the water molecules move more slowly and get closer together until become bound together by a quantum force that holds them at a constant distance from one another, but does not control their motion. The result is liquid water.

Further cooling reveals forces which control the direction of binding, so solid crystalline structures are formed and we have ice. These changes are quite simple in principle, but very complex in practice, and reveal many properties of matter which we can take advantage of to obtain technical effects like those necessary for refrigeration and solid state electronics. The forces associated with phase changes are the principal set of algorithms governing the transition between the atomic world and the macroscopic world in which we live.

The second law of thermodynamics says that overall entropy never decreases. Here we take this to be an expression of the creative power of the universe. We explore this in more detail in the next chapters.

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4.18: Catastrophe

Much of the discussion in this essay centres around the interface between the continuous classical world and the digital world built upon the quantum of action. An action is a process that takes some system from some initial condition to a final condition. It is the execution of change. In practical terms is involves the annihilation of an initial state (eg sitting down) and the creation of a final state (standing up).

Although we may imagine a motion as a continuous process, the observations of physics tell us that there is a scale, measured by Planck's constant, below which any continuous process that may be conjectured cannot be observed. This is one of the most important and counterintuitive discoveries of physics, because it provides the key to see the Universe not as dead matter, but as embodied software of unlimited complexity.

The mathematical theory of invisible sudden changes was invented by Rene Thom and is called catastrophe theory. We can distinguish two sorts of systems in the world, which we call linear and non-linear. We understand linear systems by linear functions whose output is directly proportional to their input. We write f(x) = ax + b where a and b are constants. Catastrophe theory - Wikipedia

All other systems are non-linear, their output depends in all sorts of ways on their inputs, and sometimes a small change in input can produce an unlimited change in output, a catastrophe. So we might imagine a ball rolling toward the edge of a cliff. Things remain more or less linear until it reaches the edge, then its motion suddenly changes.

In general we like to avoid catastrophes like bridges falling down and the failure of relationships of all sorts. In a sense, they are unavoidable, since every change requires annihilation and creation. What we look to avoid is large scale destructive catastrophes like plane crashes. We avoid these things by studying them, and every time something unexpected happens, we hope that it is studied closely so that we can look out for it and prevent it next time.

Engineering danger out of our culture is the principal task of government, which should try to steer the ship of state as closely as possible to an ideal course. A scientific view of the world, rather than one based on untested fiction, can assist this task. A consoling thought is that usually, when a big disaster is studied carefully, it is revealed that a lot of smaller things (often revealed by "whistleblowers") went wrong before the big one occurred. If people had been alert to the small problems, the big one might have been averted. In the scientific world, attention to detail is critical. Government - Wikipedia

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4.19: Probability, symmetry, continuity and creation

Traditional theology maintains that God has a very fine grained plan for the Universe they created. God created this world especially to bring intelligent creatures like ourselves and angels into existence to glorify them and enjoy the beauty of their divine existence. In the traditional story this did not work out well. Many of the angels became demons and the first people were disobedient.

We have already detailed some of the difficulties arising from this hypothesis and the idea that God is absolutely simple. An alternative has arisen from work that suggests that the general theory of relativity points to singular origin for the world which is formally identical to the traditional God, that is eternal, absolutely simple pure activity and the source of the Universe.

Because this source is singular and simple, its entropy must be zero so that from a cybernetic point of view it has no power to control its future. Insofar as it is active, it must act at random. Mathematically the meaning of the term random is defined by the axiomatic theory of probability published by Kolmogorov. Andrey Kolmogorov: Foundations of the Theory of Probability

We may understand probability as closely related to continuity and symmetry, a region in which there is no control. A probabilistic system of events in one in which there is no particular reason why one thing should happen rather than another. The only constraint we require is that the sum of the probabilities of all the possible events is 1. So when we toss a coin we attribute the the fact that the coin ultimately comes to rest heads up or heads down as a random event and we know that it is certain that the outcome will be either heads or tails and not both. Of course, in a deterministic world we can imagine that if we know exactly how the coin is tossed, air resistance and many other variables, we should be able to compute how it would land. In other words, the appearance randomness in this case may be attributed to our ignorance.

Quantum theory also exhibits randomness. This worried Einstein, one of whose best known statements is "God does not play dice". He felt that quantum mechanics is incomplete. His opinion is probably wrong. It may be that randomness is intrinsic to quantum mechanics precisely because it describes a fundamental level of structure in the world which is too simple to exercise deterministic control over the outcome of events. It is close to the initial singularity. In this book I like to think of quantum mechanics as a mathematical description of the basic processes of computation and communication in the universe (to be described in detail in the next chapter).

We have learnt that the best way to implement a computer is by exploiting binary numbers and propositional logic because they represent the level at which mathematics and logic meet. The unit of information in computation and communication is the bit, a measure of the distance between yes and no, p and not-p, true and false, or as the medieval logician, poet and lover Peter Abelard put it, sic et non. Peter Abelard - Wikipedia

The quantum equivalent of the classical bit is the qubit, q, which we interpret as a mixture of sic and non represented by the quantum vectors |0> and |1>. We write q = a|0> + b|1> where we interpret |0> and |1> as orthogonal vectors in Hilbert space ant the + symbol as vector addition. The two elements of a qubit are coupled by the Pythagorean constraint a2 + b2 = 1, where a and b are complex numbers.

The qubit is an abstract mathematical expression which may be thought of as representing a spinning coin. The qubit is not so much a thing as a probability distribution. The meeting of two quantum systems is called an observation or measurement in which they reveal a shared quantum state appearing as a particle or particles. In the case of the coin, this is equivalent to landing and coming to rest, revealing heads or tails. A qubit like a spinning coin has an infinity of states represented by the values of a (or b) but an observation will yield only |0> (with probability |a|2) or |b> (with probability |b|2) where the sum probabilities is normalized to 1.

We take the view here that every strong correlation that we observe in the world points to the operation of computable functions. Where there are no correlations, we can assume that computable functions do not exist leading to uncontrolled randomness. There is nothing so see there, because as we shall see below, communication is only possible where suitable computable functions are available for encoding and decoding messages. As we shall see, the mathematical term continuous points to a situation where nothing happens, that is creativity is absent and there is no causality.

Energy is conserved because it represents such a low layer in the universal structure that it is indifferent to all the ways its symmetry can be broken to create particular forms of energy. From the point of view of energy, these are all random events. Continuity is exploited by Noether's theorem, one of the fundamental theorems of mathematical physics, which gives meaning to the laws of nature or symmetries which make the world comprehensible by showing, in effect, that laws are where nothing happens. Noether's theorem - Wikipedia

The network model proposed in the next chapter proposes a structure for building up the universe universe layer by layer in a manner analogous to the construction of computers and computer networks, starting with simple logical operations and arriving at structures that can compute anything computable. Rather than being planned a priori however, the lower layers of the universe act at random because of uncertainty. Their random efforts are then subjected to a selective process that annihilates inconsistencies, creating a consistent universe.

(revised 28 June 2021)

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Further reading


Acemoglu, Daron, and James Robinson, Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity and Poverty, Crown Business 2012 "Some time ago a little-known Scottish philosopher wrote a book on what makes nations succeed and what makes them fail. The Wealth of Nations is still being read today. With the same perspicacity and with the same broad historical perspective, Daron Acemoglu and James Robinson have retackled this same question for our own times. Two centuries from now our great-great- . . . -great grandchildren will be, similarly, reading Why Nations Fail." —George Akerlof, Nobel laureate in economics, 2001  

Coyne (2015), Jerry A., Faith vs. Fact: Why Science and Religion are Incompatible, Penguin Viking 2015 Jacket: 'Using the clear-eyed, rational methodology of a world-class scientist, Coyne dismantles every claim to explaining the physical world, and the life in it, that religion proposes, from Genesis on. While science relies on observation, reason, testing and experiment, methods that have led to tremendous progress, religion's methods are based on faith—beliefs in things for which there is no evidence, insufficient evidence or even counter-evidence—as well as on dogma, authority and "confirmation bias," the tendency to see as true what you want to be true. Coyne irrefutable demonstrates the grave harm—to individuals and our planet—in mistaking faith for fact in making the most important decisions about the world we live in.' 

Cummins, Denise Dellarosa, and Colin Allen (editors), The Evolution of Mind, Oxford University Press 1998 Introduction: 'This book is an interdisciplinary endeavour, a collection of essays by ethologists, psychologists, anthropologists and philosophers united in the common goal of explaining cognition. . . . the chief challenge is to make evolutionary psychology into an experimental science. Several of the chapters in this volume describe experimental techniques and results consistent with this aim; our hope and intention is that they lead by example in the development of evolutionary psychology from the realm of speculation to that of established research program' 

Darwin, Charles, and Greg Suriano (editor), The Origin of Species, Gramercy 1998 Introduction: 'In considering the Origin of Species, it is quite conceivable that a naturalist, reflecting on the mutual affinities of organic beings, on their embryological relations, their geographical distribution, geological succession, and other such facts, might come to the conclusion that each species has not been independently created, but has descended, like varieties, from other species.' 

Davis, Martin, Computability and Unsolvability, Dover 1982 Preface: 'This book is an introduction to the theory of computability and non-computability ususally referred to as the theory of recursive functions. The subject is concerned with the existence of purely mechanical procedures for solving problems. . . . The existence of absolutely unsolvable problems and the Goedel incompleteness theorem are among the results in the theory of computability that have philosophical significance.' 

de Boysson-Bardies, Benedicte, How Language comes to Children, MIT Press 1999 'Inside the genetically determned envelope of what is linguistically possible, the child has leeway to choose his or her personal avenue to the mother tongue. In the author's own words: "Children's styles or modes of accessing language show themselves to be incredibly different. How can this be explained on the basis of common mechanisms?" Two-hundred-odd pages of clear prose built on an enviable expertise make it very clear that this is not a rhetorical question' [From a review by Massimo Piatelli-Palmarini, Nature, 400:829-30, 26 August 1999] 

Dirac, P A M, The Principles of Quantum Mechanics (4th ed), Oxford UP/Clarendon 1983 Jacket: '[this] is the standard work in the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics, indispensible both to the advanced student and the mature research worker, who will always find it a fresh source of knowledge and stimulation.' (Nature)  

Fortun, Mike, and Herbert J Bernstein, Muddling Through: Pursuing Science and Truths in the Twenty-First Century, Counterpoint 1998 Amazon editorial review: 'Does science discover truths or create them? Does dioxin cause cancer or not? Is corporate-sponsored research valid or not? Although these questions reflect the way we're used to thinking, maybe they're not the best way to approach science and its place in our culture. Physicist Herbert J. Bernstein and science historian Mike Fortun, both of the Institute for Science and Interdisciplinary Studies (ISIS), suggest a third way of seeing, beyond taking one side or another, in Muddling Through: Pursuing Science and Truths in the 21st Century. While they deal with weighty issues and encourage us to completely rethink our beliefs about science and truth, they do so with such grace and humor that we follow with ease discussions of toxic-waste disposal, the Human Genome Project, and retooling our language to better fit the way science is actually done.' 

Hawking, Steven W, and G F R Ellis, The Large Scale Structure of Space-Time, Cambridge UP 1975 Preface: Einstein's General Theory of Relativity . . . leads to two remarkable predictions about the universe: first that the final fate of massive stars is to collapse behind an event horizon to form a 'black hole' which will contain a singularity; and secondly that there is a singularity in our past which constitutes, in some sense, a beginning to our universe. Our discussion is principally aimed at developing these two results.' 

Hawking (1975), Steven W, and G F R Ellis, The Large Scale Structure of Space-Time, Cambridge UP 1975 Preface: Einstein's General Theory of Relativity . . . leads to two remarkable predictions about the universe: first that the final fate of massive stars is to collapse behind an event horizon to form a 'black hole' which will contain a singularity; and secondly that there is a singularity in our past which constitutes, in some sense, a beginning to our universe. Our discussion is principally aimed at developing these two results.' 

Hodges, Andrew, Alan Turing: The Enigma, Burnett 1983 Author's note: '. . . modern papers often employ the usage turing machine. Sinking without a capital letter into the collective mathematical consciousness (as with the abelian group, or the riemannian manifold) is probably the best that science can offer in the way of canonisation.' (530) 

Horgan, John, The End of Science: Facing the Limits of Knowledge in the Twilight of the Scientific Age, Little Brown and Co 1996 Amazon Editorial Review From Publishers Weekly 'Scientific American columnist Horgan here interviews an impressive array of scientists and philosophers, who seem sharply divided over the prospects and possibilities of science. Among the pessimists, molecular biologist Gunther Stent suggests that science is reaching a point of incremental, diminishing returns as it comes up against the limits of knowledge; philosopher Thomas Kuhn sees science as a nonrational process that does not converge with truth; Vienna-born thinker Paul Feyerabend objects to science's pretensions to certainty and its potential to stamp out the diversity of human thought and culture. More optimistic are particle physicist Edward Witten, pioneer of superstring theory (which posits a universe of 10 dimensions); robotics engineer Hans Moravec, who envisions superintelligent creative robots; and physicist Roger Penrose, who theorizes that quantum effects percolating through the brain underlie consciousness. Other interviewees are Francis Crick, Noam Chomsky, David Bohm, Karl Popper, Murray Gell-Mann, Sheldon Glashow, Ilya Prigogine and Clifford Geertz. Despite the dominant doomsaying tone, this colloquium leaves much room for optimism.' Copyright 1996 Reed Business Information, Inc. 

Kolmogorov, Andrey Nikolaevich, and Nathan Morrison (Translator) (With an added bibliography by A T Bharucha-Reid), Foundations of the Theory of Probability, Chelsea 1956 Preface: 'The purpose of this monograph is to give an axiomatic foundation for the theory of probability. . . . This task would have been a rather hopeless one before the introduction of Lebesgue's theories of measure and integration. However, after Lebesgue's publication of his investigations, the analogies between measure of a set and mathematical expectation of a random variable became apparent. These analogies allowed of further extensions; thus, for example, various properties of independent random variables were seen to be in complete analogy with the corresponding properties of orthogonal functions . . .' 

Kuhn, Thomas S, Black-Body Theory and the Quantum Discontinuity 1894-1912, University of Chicago Press 1987 Jacket: '[This book] traces the emergence of discontinuous physics during the early years of this century. Breaking with historiographic tradition, Kuhn maintains that, though clearly due to Max Planck, the concept of discontinuous energy change does not originate in his work. Instead it was introduced by physicists trying to understand the success of his brilliant new theory of black-body radiation.' 

Misner (1973), Charles W, and Kip S Thorne, John Archibald Wheeler, Gravitation, Freeman 1973 Jacket: 'Einstein's description of gravitation as curvature of spacetime led directly to that greatest of all predictions of his theory, that the universe itself is dynamic. Physics still has far to go to come to terms with this amazing fact and what it means for man and his relation to the universe. John Archibald Wheeler. . . . this is a book on Einstein's theory of gravity. . . . ' 

Pinker, Steven, The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined, Viking Adult 2011 Amazon book description: 'A provocative history of violence—from the New York Times bestselling author of The Stuff of Thought and The Blank Slate Believe it or not, today we may be living in the most peaceful moment in our species' existence. In his gripping and controversial new work, New York Times bestselling author Steven Pinker shows that despite the ceaseless news about war, crime, and terrorism, violence has actually been in decline over long stretches of history. Exploding myths about humankind's inherent violence and the curse of modernity, this ambitious book continues Pinker's exploration of the essence of human nature, mixing psychology and history to provide a remarkable picture of an increasingly enlightened world.' 


2019 redefinition of SI base units - Wikipedia, 2019 redefinition of SI base units - Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia, 'The kilogram, ampere, kelvin, and mole will then be defined by setting exact numerical values for the Planck constant (h), the elementary electric charge (e), the Boltzmann constant (k), and the Avogadro constant (NA), respectively. The metre and candela are already defined by physical constants, subject to correction to their present definitions. The new definitions aim to improve the SI without changing the size of any units, thus ensuring continuity with existing measurements.' back

Abraham Pais, Einstein and quantum theory, ' This is an account of Einstein's work and thoughts on the quantum theory. The following topics will be discussed : The light-quantum hypothesis and its gradual evolution into the photon concept. Early history of the photoelectric effect. The theoretical and experimental reasons why the resistance to the photon was stronger and more protracted than for any other particle proposed to date. Einstein's position regarding the Bohr—Kramers—Slater suggestion, the last bastion of resistance to the photon. Einstein's analysis of fluctuations around thermal equilibrium and his proposal of a duality between particles and waves, in 1909 for electromagnetic radiation (the first time this duality was ever stated) and in January 1925 for matter (prior to quantum mechanics and for reasons independent of those given earlier by de Broglie). His demonstration that long-known specific heat anomalies are quantum effects. His role in the evolution of the third law of thermodynamics. His new derivation of Planck's law in 1917 which also marks the beginning of his concern with the failure of classical causality. His role as one of the founders of quantum statistics and his discovery of the first example of a phase transition derived by using purely statistical methods. His position as a critic of quantum mechanics. Initial doubts on the consistency of quantum mechanics (1926—1930). His view maintained from1930 until the end of his life: quantum mechanics is logically consistent and quite successful but it is incomplete. His attitude toward success. His criterion of objective reality. Differences in the roles relativity and quantum theory played in Einstein's life. His vision regarding quantum theory in the context of a unified field theory. His last autobiographical sketch, written a few months before his death, concluding with a statement about the quantum theory, a subject to which (by his own account) he had given more thought than even to general relativity.' back

Aether (classical element) - Wikipedia, Aether (classical element) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'According to ancient and medieval science, aether (Greek: αἰθήρ aithēr), . . . also called quintessence, is the material that fills the region of the universe above the terrestrial sphere.[ The concept of aether was used in several theories to explain several natural phenomena, such as the traveling of light and gravity. In the late 19th century, physicists postulated that aether permeated all throughout space, providing a medium through which light could travel in a vacuum, but evidence for the presence of such a medium was not found in the Michelson–Morley experiment.' back

Albert Einstein, On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies, An english translation of the paper that founded Special relativity. 'Examples of this sort, [in the contemporary application of Maxwell's electrodynamics to moving bodies] together with the unsuccessful attempts to discover any motion of the earth relatively to the ``light medium,'' suggest that the phenomena of electrodynamics as well as of mechanics possess no properties corresponding to the idea of absolute rest. They suggest rather that, as has already been shown to the first order of small quantities, the same laws of electrodynamics and optics will be valid for all frames of reference for which the equations of mechanics hold good.' back

Albert Einstein - Wikipedia, Albert Einstein - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, Albert Einstein (14 March 1879 – 18 April 1955) was an ethnically Jewish German-born theoretical physicist. He is best known for his theories of special relativity and general relativity. Einstein received the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics "for his services to Theoretical Physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect."' back

Albert Einstein (1905), Investigations on the Theory of Brownian Movement, 'On the movement of small particles suspended in a stationary liqud demanded by the molecular-kinetic theory of heat. In this paper it will be shown that according to the molecular-kinetic theory of heat, bodies of microscopically-visible size in a liquid will perform movements of such magnitude that they can be easily observed in a microscope, on account of the molecular motions of heat. It is possible that the movements to be discussed here are identical with the so-called Brownian molecular motion however, the information available to me regarding the latter is so lacking in precision, that I can form no judgement in the matter. [Translation of "Über die von der molekularkinetischen Theorie der Wärme geforderte Bewegung von in ruhenden Flüssigkeiten suspendierten Teilchen" ' back

Albert Einstein (2000), Thermodynamics - Wikiquote, ' "A theory is the more impressive the greater the simplicity of its premises, the more different kinds of things it relates, and the more extended its area of applicability. Therefore the deep impression that classical thermodynamics made upon me. It is the only physical theory of universal content which I am convinced will never be overthrown, within the framework of applicability of its basic concepts." Albert Einstein (author), Paul Arthur, Schilpp (editor). Autobiographical Notes. A Centennial Edition. Open Court Publishing Company. 1979. p. 31 [As quoted by Don Howard, John Stachel. Einstein: The Formative Years, 1879-1909 (Einstein Studies, vol. 8). Birkhäuser Boston. 2000. p. 1]' back

Andrew Hodges, Website extending Alan Turing: The Enigma, 'This website is an electronic extension of the biography Alan Turing: The Enigma, and provides a Book Update section.' back

Aquinas, Summa I, 25, 3, Is God omnipotent?, '. . . God is called omnipotent because He can do all things that are possible absolutely; which is the second way of saying a thing is possible. For a thing is said to be possible or impossible absolutely, according to the relation in which the very terms stand to one another, possible if the predicate is not incompatible with the subject, as that Socrates sits; and absolutely impossible when the predicate is altogether incompatible with the subject, as, for instance, that a man is a donkey.' back

Ari Rabin-Havt, Trump's outrageous lies come straight from big businesses' playbook, 'Sixty-three years ago, as the scientific community neared consensus that tobacco products were dangerous, titans of the tobacco industry came together to meet with John Hill at the Plaza Hotel in New York. This was a rare gathering, as these executives were fighting one another for market share in an immensely competitive business. Hill, the founder of PR conglomerate Hill & Knowlton, recommended that they form a public relations operation, thinly veiled as a scientific institute, to argue that their products were safe. Together, the tobacco executives and Hill created the Tobacco Industry Research Committee, a sham organization designed to spread corporate propaganda to mislead the media, policymakers and the public at large.' back

Astrology - Wikipedia, Astrology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'Astrology is the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial objects as a means for divining information about human affairs and terrestrial events. Astrology has been dated to at least the 2nd millennium BCE, and has its roots in calendrical systems used to predict seasonal shifts and to interpret celestial cycles as signs of divine communications.' back

Atlas Detector - CERN, Detector & Technology, ' The detector itself is a many-layered instrument designed to detect some of the tiniest yet most energetic particles ever created on earth. It consists of six different detecting subsystems wrapped concentrically in layers around the collision point to record the trajectory, momentum, and energy of particles, allowing them to be individually identified and measured. A huge magnet system bends the paths of the charged particles so that their momenta can be measured as precisely as possible.' back

Avogadro constant - Wikipedia, Avogadro constant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'The Avogadro constant (NA or L) is the proportionality factor that relates the number of constituent particles (usually molecules, atoms or ions) in a sample with the amount of substance in that sample. It is named after the Italian scientist Amedeo Avogadro. . . . The number 6.02214076×1023 (the Avogadro number) was chosen so that the mass of one mole of a chemical compound in grams is numerically equal, for most practical purposes, to the average mass of one molecule of the compound in daltons. Thus, for example, one mole of water (H2O) contains 6.02214076×10^23 molecules, whose total mass is about 18.015 grams and the mean mass of one molecule of water is about 18.015 daltons.' back

Banerjee, Song & Hasameyer, Exxon: The Road Not Taken, ' Exxon's ambitious program included both empirical CO2 sampling and rigorous climate modeling. It assembled a brain trust that would spend more than a decade deepening the company's understanding of an environmental problem that posed an existential threat to the oil business. Then, toward the end of the 1980s, Exxon curtailed its carbon dioxide research. In the decades that followed, Exxon worked instead at the forefront of climate denial. It put its muscle behind efforts to manufacture doubt about the reality of global warming its own scientists had once confirmed. It lobbied to block federal and international action to control greenhouse gas emissions. It helped to erect a vast edifice of misinformation that stands to this day.' back

Bernhard Riemann - Wikipedia, Bernhard Riemann - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann (17 September 1826 – 20 July 1866) was an influential German mathematician who made lasting and revolutionary contributions to analysis, number theory, and differential geometry'. back

Black-body radiation - Wikipedia, Black-body radiation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'Black-body radiation is the type of electromagnetic radiation within or surrounding a body in thermodynamic equilibrium with its environment, or emitted by a black body (an opaque and non-reflective body) held at constant, uniform temperature. The radiation has a specific spectrum and intensity that depends only on the temperature of the body.' back

British Antarctic Survey, Ice cores and climate change, 'Ice cores are cylinders of ice drilled out of an ice sheet or glacier. Most ice core records come from Antarctica and Greenland, and the longest ice cores extend to 3km in depth. The oldest continuous ice core records to date extend 123,000 years in Greenland and 800,000 years in Antarctica. Ice cores contain information about past temperature, and about many other aspects of the environment. Crucially, the ice encloses small bubbles of air that contain a sample of the atmosphere – from these it is possible to measure directly the past concentration of gases (including carbon dioxide and methane) in the atmosphere.' back

Brownian motion - Wikipedia, Brownian motion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'Brownian motion . . . is the random motion of particles suspended in a fluid (a liquid or a gas) resulting from their collision with the fast-moving atoms or molecules in the gas or liquid.' back

Cantor's theorem - Wikipedia, Cantor's theorem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, ' In elementary set theory, Cantor's theorem is a fundamental result which states that, for any set A, the set of all subsets of A (the power set of A, denoted by P(A) ) has a strictly greater cardinality than A itself. For finite sets, Cantor's theorem can be seen to be true by simple enumeration of the number of subsets. Counting the empty set as a subset, a set with n members has a total of 2n subsets, so that if card (A) = n, then card (P(A)) = 2n, and the theorem holds because 2n > n for all non-negative integers.' back

Carnot cycle - Wikipedia, Carnot cycle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'The Carnot cycle is a theoretical thermodynamic cycle proposed by Nicolas Léonard Sadi Carnot in 1824 and expanded by Benoit Paul Émile Clapeyron in the 1830s and 40s. It can be shown that it is the most efficient cycle for converting a given amount of thermal energy into work, or conversely, creating a temperature difference (e.g. refrigeration) by doing a given amount of work.' back

Catastrophe theory - Wikipedia, Catastrophe theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'In mathematics, catastrophe theory is a branch of bifurcation theory in the study of dynamical systems; it is also a particular special case of more general singularity theory in geometry. . . . Small changes in certain parameters of a nonlinear system can cause equilibria to appear or disappear, or to change from attracting to repelling and vice versa, leading to large and sudden changes of the behaviour of the system. However, examined in a larger parameter space, catastrophe theory reveals that such bifurcation points tend to occur as part of well-defined qualitative geometrical structures.' back

Catholic Catechism p1, s2, c1, a1, p4, God creates "out of nothing", ' §296 We believe that God needs no pre-existent thing or any help in order to create, nor is creation any sort of necessary emanation from the divine substance. God creates freely "out of nothing" "If God had drawn the world from pre-existent matter, what would be so extraordinary in that? A human artisan makes from a given material whatever he wants, while God shows his power by starting from nothing to make all he wants". (St. Theophilus of Antioch, Ad Autolycum II, 4: PG 6,1052.)' back

CERN, Large Hadron Collider, 'The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator. It first started up on 10 September 2008, and remains the latest addition to CERN’s accelerator complex. The LHC consists of a 27-kilometre ring of superconducting magnets with a number of accelerating structures to boost the energy of the particles along the way.' back

Charles Darwin, It is interesting to contemplate a tangled bank . . ., '"It is interesting to contemplate a tangled bank, clothed with many plants of many kinds, with birds singing on the bushes, with various insects flitting about, and with worms crawling through the damp earth, and to reflect that these elaborately constructed forms, so different from each other, and dependent upon each other in so complex a manner, have all been produced by laws acting around us.' back

Classical mechanics - Wikipedia, Classical mechanics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'Classical mechanics (commonly confused with Newtonian mechanics, which is a subfield thereof) is used for describing the motion of macroscopic objects, from projectiles to parts of machinery, as well as astronomical objects, such as spacecraft, planets, stars, and galaxies. It produces very accurate results within these domains, and is one of the oldest and largest subjects in science and technology.' back

Clay tablet - Wikipedia, Clay tablet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, ' In the Ancient Near East, clay tablets were used as a writing medium, especially for writing in cuneiform, throughout the Bronze Age and well into the Iron Age. Cuneiform characters were imprinted on a wet clay tablet with a stylus often made of reed (reed pen). Once written upon, many tablets were dried in the sun or air, remaining fragile. . . . Other tablets, once written, were fired in hot kilns (or inadvertently, when buildings were burnt down by accident or during conflict) making them hard and durable. . . . In the Minoan/Mycenaean civilizations, surviving writing is mainly those tablets that were used for accounting.' back

Codec - Wikipedia, Codec - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'A codec is a device or computer program capable of encoding or decoding a digital data stream or signal. Codec is a portmanteau of coder-decoder or, less commonly, compressor-decompressor.' back

Cognitive dissonance - Wikipedia, Cognitive dissonance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'In psychology, cognitive dissonance is the mental stress or discomfort experienced by an individual who holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values at the same time, performs an action that is contradictory to one or more beliefs, ideas, or values, or is confronted by new information that conflicts with existing beliefs, ideas, or values.' back

Communication theory - Wikipedia, Communication theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'Communication theory is a field of information theory and mathematics that studies the technical process of information and the process of human communication.' back

Conservation of energy - Wikipedia, Conservation of energy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'In physics, the law of conservation of energy states that the total energy of an isolated system cannot change—it is said to be conserved over time. Energy can be neither created nor destroyed, but can change form, for instance chemical energy can be converted to kinetic energy in the explosion of a stick of dynamite. back

Cosmic microwave background - Wikipedia, Cosmic microwave background - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'The cosmic microwave background (CMB) is the thermal radiation left over from the time of recombination in Big Bang cosmology. . . . The CMB is a snapshot of the oldest light in our Universe, imprinted on the sky when the Universe was just 380,000 years old. It shows tiny temperature fluctuations that correspond to regions of slightly different densities, representing the seeds of all future structure: the stars and galaxies of today.' back

Deferent and epicycle - Wikipedia, Deferent and epicycle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'In the Hipparchian and Ptolemaic systems of astronomy, the epicycle (from Ancient Greek: ἐπίκυκλος, literally on the circle, meaning circle moving on another circle) was a geometric model used to explain the variations in speed and direction of the apparent motion of the Moon, Sun, and planets. In particular it explained the apparent retrograde motion of the five planets known at the time. Secondarily, it also explained changes in the apparent distances of the planets from Earth.' back

Democritus - Wikipedia, Democritus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'Democritus (Greek: Δημόκριτος, Dēmókritos, meaning "chosen of the people"; c. 460 – c. 370 BC) was an influential Ancient Greek pre-Socratic philosopher primarily remembered today for his formulation of an atomic theory of the universe.' back

Dirac equation - Wikipedia, Dirac equation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'In particle physics, the Dirac equation is a relativistic wave equation derived by British physicist Paul Dirac in 1928. In its free form, or including electromagnetic interactions, it describes all spin-1⁄2 massive particles such as electrons and quarks, for which parity is a symmetry, and is consistent with both the principles of quantum mechanics and the theory of special relativity, and was the first theory to account fully for special relativity in the context of quantum mechanics. It accounted for the fine details of the hydrogen spectrum in a completely rigorous way.' back

Ecological footprint - Wikipedia, Ecological footprint - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'An ecological footprint is a measure of human impact on Earth's ecosystems. It's typically measured in area of wilderness or amount of natural capital consumed each year. A common way of estimating footprint is, the area of wilderness of both land and sea needed to supply resources to a human population; This includes the area of wilderness needed to assimilate human waste. At a global scale, it is used to estimate how rapidly we are depleting natural capital. The Global Footprint Network calculates the global ecological footprint from UN and other data. They estimate that as of 2007 our planet has been using natural capital 1.6 times as fast as nature can renew it.]' back

Eigenvalues and eigenvectors - Wikipedia, Eigenvalues and eigenvectors - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'An eigenvector of a square matrix A is a non-zero vector vthat, when the matrix multiplies yields a constant multiple of v, the latter multiplier being commonly denoted by λ. That is: Av = λv' back

Electromagnetic Radiation - Wikipedia, Electromagnetic Radiation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'Electromagnetic radiation . . . is the radiant energy released by certain electromagnetic processes. Visible light is electromagnetic radiation, as is invisible light, such as radio, infrared, and X-rays.' back

Eryn Newman, Psychology explains why people are so easily duped, 'So how can we avoid being taken in by a false sense of truthiness? Cognitive psychology research has shown that people are often unaware of their biases or how information influences their judgments. But simply being warned about the influence of names and photos might just make us a little more cautious — leading us to look for truth that comes from books, and not than the gut.' back

Eternity of the world - Wikipedia, Eternity of the world - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, ' The eternity of the world is the question of whether the world has a beginning in time or has existed from eternity. It was a concern for both ancient philosophers and the medieval theologians and medieval philosophers of the 13th century. The problem became a focus of a dispute in the 13th century, when some of the works of Aristotle, who believed in the eternity of the world, were rediscovered in the Latin West. This view conflicted with the view of the Catholic Church that the world had a beginning in time. The Aristotelian view was prohibited in the Condemnations of 1210–1277.' back

Exodus 20:1-17, Exodus 20, '1 And God spoke all these words, saying: 2 I am the LORD thy God, who brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. 3 Thou shalt have no other gods before Me. . . . ' back

Foucault pendulum - Wikipedia, Foucault pendulum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'The Foucault pendulum . . . or Foucault's pendulum, named after the French physicist Léon Foucault, is a simple device conceived as an experiment to demonstrate the rotation of the Earth. While it had long been known that the Earth rotates, the introduction of the Foucault pendulum in 1851 was the first simple proof of the rotation in an easy-to-see experiment.' back

Funding of science - Wikipedia, Funding of science - Wikipedia, the fee enyclopedia, 'Research funding is a term generally covering any funding for scientific research, in the areas of both "hard" science and technology and social science. The term often connotes funding obtained through a competitive process, in which potential research projects are evaluated and only the most promising receive funding. Such processes, which are run by government, corporations or foundations, allocate scarce funds.' back

Gareth Hutchens, Corporate wrongdoing now endemic in Australia, report shows, ' “The publications of official agencies demonstrates that malfeasance by the private sector is widespread.” The report shows Asic has concluded 3,115 cases against corporations over the last four-and-a-half years, of which 2,095 were criminal matters. It took action against building and construction firms in 10,667 cases, over the last five years. The report says: “This is unlikely to represent the full extent of non-compliance by corporations with relevant legal requirements because Asic, like most regulators, has limited resources and a reluctance to take formal proceedings unless there is a very high prospect of success”.' back

General relativity - Wikipedia, General relativity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'General relativity or the general theory of relativity is the geometric theory of gravitation published by Albert Einstein in 1916. It is the current description of gravitation in modern physics. General relativity generalises special relativity and Newton's law of universal gravitation, providing a unified description of gravity as a geometric property of space and time, or spacetime. In particular, the curvature of spacetime is directly related to the four-momentum (mass-energy and linear momentum) of whatever matter and radiation are present. The relation is specified by the Einstein field equations, a system of partial differential equations.' back

Geostationary orbit - Wikipedia, Geostationary orbit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'A geostationary orbit, geostationary Earth orbit or geosynchronous equatorial orbit (GEO) is a circular orbit 35,786 kilometres (22,236 mi) above the Earth's equator and following the direction of the Earth's rotation. An object in such an orbit has an orbital period equal to the Earth's rotational period (one sidereal day) and thus appears motionless, at a fixed position in the sky, to ground observers.' back

Glen Kessler, Few stand in Trump's way as he piles up Four-Pinochio whoppers, ' Trump makes Four-Pinocchio statements over and over again, even though fact checkers have demonstrated them to be false. He appears to care little about the facts; his staff does not even bother to respond to fact-checking inquiries. But, astonishingly, television hosts rarely challenge Trump when he makes a claim that already has been found to be false. back

Government - Wikipedia, Government - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'A government is the system or group of people governing an organized community, often a state.[1] In the case of its broad associative definition, government normally consists of legislature, administration, and judiciary. Government is a means by which state policies are enforced, as well as a mechanism for determining the policy.' back

Harmonic Oscillator - Wikipedia, Harmonic Oscillator - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'In classical mechanics, a harmonic oscillator is a system that, when displaced from its equilibrium position, experiences a restoring force, F, proportional to the displacement, x: F = kx, where k is a positive constant. If F is the only force acting on the system, the system is called a simple harmonic oscillator, and it undergoes simple harmonic motion: sinusoidal oscillations about the equilibrium point, with a constant amplitude and a constant frequency (which does not depend on the amplitude).' back

Hero of Alexandria - Wikipedia, Hero of Alexandria - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, ' Hero of Alexandria (c. 10 AD – c. 70 AD) was a Greco-Egyptian mathematician and engineer who was active in his native city of Alexandria, Roman Egypt. He is often considered the greatest experimenter of antiquity and his work is representative of the Hellenistic scientific tradition.' back

Hoffman & Rosenkrantz (Standord Encyclopedia of Philosophy), Omnipotence, 'Omnipotence is maximal power. Maximal greatness (or perfection) includes omnipotence. According to traditional Western theism, God is maximally great (or perfect), and therefore is omnipotent. Omnipotence seems puzzling, even paradoxical, to many philosophers. They wonder, for example, whether God can create a spherical cube, or make a stone so massive that he cannot move it. Is there a consistent analysis of omnipotence? What are the implications of such an analysis for the nature of God?' back

Honour killing - Wikipedia, Honour killing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'An honor killing . . . or shame killing is the homicide of a member of a family by other members, due to the perpetrators' belief that the victim has brought shame or dishonor upon the family, or has violated the principles of a community or a religion, usually for reasons such as refusing to enter an arranged marriage, being in a relationship that is disapproved by their family, having sex outside marriage, becoming the victim of rape, dressing in ways which are deemed inappropriate, engaging in non-heterosexual relations or renouncing a faith.' back

Human evolution - Wikipedia, Human evolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'Human evolution is the evolutionary process leading up to the appearance of modern humans. While it began with the last common ancestor of all life, the topic usually covers only the evolutionary history of primates, in particular the genus Homo, and the emergence of Homo sapiens as a distinct species of hominids (or "great apes"). The study of human evolution involves many scientific disciplines, including physical anthropology, primatology, archaeology,paleontology, ethology, linguistics, evolutionary psychology, embryology and genetics.' back

Astronomia Nova - Wikipedia, Astronomia Nova - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'The Astronomia nova . . . is a book, published in 1609, that contains the results of the astronomer Johannes Kepler's ten-year-long investigation of the motion of Mars. One of the greatest books on astronomy, the Astronomia nova provided strong arguments for heliocentrism and contributed valuable insight into the movement of the planets, including the first mention of their elliptical path and the change of their movement to the movement of free floating bodies as opposed to objects on rotating spheres. It is recognized as one of the most important works of the Scientific Revolution.' back

Sub specie aeternitatis - Wikipedia, Sub specie aeternitatis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'Sub specie aeternitatis (Latin for "under the aspect of eternity"), is, from Baruch Spinoza onwards, an honorific expression describing what is universally and eternally true, without any reference to or dependence upon the temporal portions of reality. In clearer English, sub specie aeternitatis roughly means "from the perspective of the eternal". Even more loosely, the phrase is used to describe an alternative or objective point of view.' back

Inquisition - Wikipedia, Inquisition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'The Inquisition was a group of institutions within the government system of the Catholic Church whose aim was to combat heresy. It started in 12th-century France to combat religious sectarianism, in particular the Cathars and the Waldensians.' back

International System of Units - Wikipedia, International System of Units - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, ' The International System of Units (SI, abbreviated from the French Système international (d'unités)) is the modern form of the metric system. It is the only system of measurement with an official status in nearly every country in the world. It comprises a coherent system of units of measurement starting with seven base units, which are the second (the unit of time with the symbol s), metre (length, m), kilogram (mass, kg), ampere (electric current, A), kelvin (thermodynamic temperature, K), mole (amount of substance, mol), and candela (luminous intensity, cd).' back

J. Clerk Maxwell, A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field, '(3) The theory I propose may therefore be called a theory of the Elecromagnetic Field, because it has to do with the space in the neighbourhood of electric or magnetic bodies, and it may be called a Dynamical Theory because it assumes that in that space there is matter in motion, by which the observed electromagnetic phenomena are produced.' back

James Clerk Maxwell - Wikipedia, James Clerk Maxwell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'James Clerk Maxwell FRS FRSE (13 June 1831 – 5 November 1879) was a Scottish scientist in the field of mathematical physics. His most notable achievement was to formulate the classical theory of electromagnetic radiation, bringing together for the first time electricity, magnetism, and light as manifestations of the same phenomenon. Maxwell's equations for electromagnetism have been called the "second great unification in physics" after the first one realised by Isaac Newton.' back

Jerry Samet (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy), The Historical Controversies Surrounding Innateness, 'We are as we are and we live as we do because of the interplay of our inherent natures and the world around us. This much is uncontroversial. But it is natural to wonder about the extent of the contributions of the two broad factors and about the nature of the interactions. This is where the innateness controversy begins.' back

John D. Norton, Chasing a Beam of Light: Einstein's Most Famous Thought Experiment, '". . .a paradox upon which I had already hit at the age of sixteen: If I pursue a beam of light with the velocity c (velocity of light in a vacuum), I should observe such a beam of light as an electromagnetic field at rest though spatially oscillating. There seems to be no such thing, however, neither on the basis of experience nor according to Maxwell's equations. From the very beginning it appeared to me intuitively clear that, judged from the standpoint of such an observer, everything would have to happen according to the same laws as for an observer who, relative to the earth, was at rest. For how should the first observer know or be able to determine, that he is in a state of fast uniform motion? One sees in this paradox the germ of the special relativity theory is already contained." ' back

John von Neumann (2014), Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, ' Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics by John von Neumann translated from the German by Robert T. Beyer (New Edition) edited by Nicholas A. Wheeler. Princeton UP Princeton & Oxford. Preface: ' This book is the realization of my long-held intention to someday use the resources of TEX to produce a more easily read version of Robert T. Beyer’s authorized English translation (Princeton University Press, 1955) of John von Neumann’s classic Mathematische Grundlagen der Quantenmechanik (Springer, 1932).'This content downloaded from on Sat, 30 May 2020 22:38:31 UTC back

Joseph Paul Forgas, Why are some people more gullible than others?, 'Homo sapiens is probably an intrinsically gullible species. We owe our evolutionary success to culture, our unique ability to receive, trust and act on stories we get from others, and so accumulate a shared view about the world. In a way, trusting others is second nature. But not everything we hear from others is useful or even true. There are countless ways people have been misled, fooled and hoaxed, sometimes for fun, but more often, for profit or for political gain.' back

Jury trial - Wikipedia, Jury trial - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'A jury trial, or trial by jury, is a lawful proceeding in which a jury makes a decision or findings of fact, which then direct the actions of a judge. It is distinguished from a bench trial in which a judge or panel of judges makes all decisions.' back

Kepler's laws of planetary motion - Wikipedia, Kepler's laws of planetary motion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'In astronomy, Kepler's laws of planetary motion are three scientific laws describing the motion of planets around the Sun.
1. The orbit of a planet is an ellipse with the Sun at one of the two foci.
2. A line segment joining a planet and the Sun sweeps out equal areas during equal intervals of time.
3. The square of the orbital period of a planet is proportional to the cube of the semi-major axis of its orbit.' ' back

Kinetic theory of gases - Wikipedia, Kinetic theory of gases - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'The kinetic theory of gases is a simple, historically significant classical model of the thermodynamic behavior of gases, with which many principal concepts of thermodynamics were established. The model describes a gas as a large number of identical submicroscopic particles (atoms or molecules), all of which are in constant, rapid, random motion. Their size is assumed to be much smaller than the average distance between the particles. The particles undergo random elastic collisions between themselves and with the enclosing walls of the container. The basic version of the model describes the ideal gas, and considers no other interactions between the particles.' back

Kirchoff's law of thermal radiation - Wikipedia, Kirchoff's law of thermal radiation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'Kirchhoff's law states that: For a body of any arbitrary material, emitting and absorbing thermal electromagnetic radiation at every wavelength in thermodynamic equilibrium, the ratio of its emissive power to its dimensionless coefficient of absorption is equal to a universal function only of radiative wavelength and temperature, the perfect black-body emissive power. back

Lady Justice - Wikipedia, Lady Justice - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'Iustitia, Justitia or Lady Justice (Latin: Iustitia, the Roman goddess of Justice, who is equivalent to the Greek goddess Themis) is an allegorical personification of the moral force in judicial systems. Her attributes are a blindfold, a balance and a sword. She often appears as a pair with Prudentia, who holds a mirror and a snake. back

Large Hadron Collider - Wikipedia, Large Hadron Collider - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the world's largest and most powerful particle collider, the largest, most complex experimental facility ever built, and the largest single machine in the world. It was built by the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) between 1998 and 2008 in collaboration with over 10,000 scientists and engineers from over 100 countries, as well as hundreds of universities and laboratories' back

Lorentz transformation - Wikipedia, Lorentz transformation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'In physics, the Lorentz transformation or Lorentz-Fitzgerald transformation describes how, according to the theory of special relativity, two observers' varying measurements of space and time can be converted into each other's frames of reference. It is named after the Dutch physicist Hendrik Lorentz. It reflects the surprising fact that observers moving at different velocities may measure different distances, elapsed times, and even different orderings of events.' back

Ludwig Boltzmann - Wikipedia, Ludwig Boltzmann - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, Ludwig Eduard Boltzmann (February 20, 1844 – September 5, 1906) was an Austrian physicist and philosopher whose greatest achievement was in the development of statistical mechanics, which explains and predicts how the properties of atoms (such as mass, charge, and structure) determine the physical properties of matter (such as viscosity, thermal conductivity, and diffusion). back

M. Sanchez de Toca, A Never Enging Story: The Pontifical Commission on the Galileo Case: A Critical Review, Abstract. The Galileo Affair seems like a soap opera: long, tedious and repretitive. The pontifical commission created by John Paul II in 1981 to study the Galileo Affair, seems also to be affected by the same syndrome. In this paper the following questions will be critically examined; (a) the main facts concerning the Commission's work, (b) the main objections to the Commission's achievements, and (c) possible response to the objections. The analysis of the evidence shows the difficulties under which to Commission operated all the time. But as a whole it had a positive impact on the Catholic Church and also in helping to find a more balanced image of Galileo. back

Maev Kennedy, Medieval villagers mutilated the dead to stop them rising, study finds, 'A study by archaeologists has revealed certain people in medieval Yorkshire were so afraid of the dead they chopped, smashed and burned their skeletons to make sure they stayed in their graves. The research published by Historic England and the University of Southampton may represent the first scientific evidence in England of attempts to prevent the dead from walking and harming the living – still common in folklore in many parts of the world.' back

Matthew 6:28 - Wikipedia, Matthew 6:28 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'Matthew 6:28 is the twenty-eighth verse of the sixth chapter of the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament and is part of the Sermon on the Mount. This verse continues the discussion of worry about material provisions.' back

Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics - Wikipedia, Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'In statistical mechanics, Maxwell–Boltzmann statistics describes the statistical distribution of material particles over various energy states in thermal equilibrium, when the temperature is high enough and density is low enough to render quantum effects negligible.' back

McInerny & O'Callaghan (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy), St Thomas Aquinas, 'Thomas Aquinas (1225–1274) lived at a critical juncture of western culture when the arrival of the Aristotelian corpus in Latin translation reopened the question of the relation between faith and reason, calling into question the modus vivendi that had obtained for centuries. This crisis flared up just as universities were being founded. Thomas, after early studies at Montecassino, moved on to the University of Naples, where he met members of the new Dominican Order. It was at Naples too that Thomas had his first extended contact with the new learning. When he joined the Dominican Order he went north to study with Albertus Magnus, author of a paraphrase of the Aristotelian corpus. Thomas completed his studies at the University of Paris, which had been formed out of the monastic schools on the Left Bank and the cathedral school at Notre Dame. In two stints as a regent master Thomas defended the mendicant orders and, of greater historical importance, countered both the Averroistic interpretations of Aristotle and the Franciscan tendency to reject Greek philosophy. The result was a new modus vivendi between faith and philosophy which survived until the rise of the new physics. The Catholic Church has over the centuries regularly and consistently reaffirmed the central importance of Thomas's work, both theological and philosophical, for understanding its teachings concerning the Christian revelation, and his close textual commentaries on Aristotle represent a cultural resource which is now receiving increased recognition. The following account concentrates on Thomas the philosopher.' back

Measurement in quantum mechanics - Wikipedia, Measurement in quantum mechanics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'The framework of quantum mechanics requires a careful definition of measurement. The issue of measurement lies at the heart of the problem of the interpretation of quantum mechanics, for which there is currently no consensus.' back

Mechanics - Wikipedia, Mechanics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'Mechanics (Greek μηχανική) is an area of science concerned with the behavior of physical bodies when subjected to forces or displacements, and the subsequent effects of the bodies on their environment. The scientific discipline has its origins in Ancient Greece with the writings of Aristotle and Archimedes.' back

Newton's Laws of motion - Wikipedia, Newton's Laws of motion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'Newton's laws of motion are three physical laws that together laid the foundation for classical mechanics. They describe the relationship between a body and the forces acting upon it, and its motion in response to said forces. They have been expressed in several different ways over nearly three centuries, and can be summarised as follows. First law: When viewed in an inertial reference frame, an object either remains at rest or continues to move at a constant velocity, unless acted upon by an external force. Second law: The vector sum of the external forces F on an object is equal to the mass m of that object multiplied by the acceleration vector a of the object: F = ma. Third law: When one body exerts a force on a second body, the second body simultaneously exerts a force equal in magnitude and opposite in direction on the first body.' back

Noether's theorem - Wikipedia, Noether's theorem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'Noether's (first) theorem states that any differentiable symmetry of the action of a physical system has a corresponding conservation law. The theorem was proved by German mathematician Emmy Noether in 1915 and published in 1918. The action of a physical system is the integral over time of a Lagrangian function (which may or may not be an integral over space of a Lagrangian density function), from which the system's behavior can be determined by the principle of least action.' back

Peter Abelard - Wikipedia, Peter Abelard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, ' Peter Abelard (c. 1079 – 21 April 1142) was a medieval French scholastic philosopher, leading logician, theologian, teacher, musician, composer, and poet. In philosophy he is celebrated for his logical solution to the problem of universals via nominalism and conceptualism and his pioneering of intent in ethics. Often referred to as the “Descartes of the twelfth century”, he is considered a forerunner of Rousseau, Kant, and Spinoza. He is sometimes credited as a chief forerunner of modern empiricism.' back

Phase (matter) - Wikipedia, Phase (matter) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'In the physical sciences, a phase is a region of space (a thermodynamic system), throughout which all physical properties of a material are essentially uniform.[1][2]:86[3]:3 Examples of physical properties include density, index of refraction, magnetization and chemical composition. A simple description is that a phase is a region of material that is chemically uniform, physically distinct, and (often) mechanically separable. In a system consisting of ice and water in a glass jar, the ice cubes are one phase, the water is a second phase, and the humid air over the water is a third phase. The glass of the jar is another separate phase.' back

Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica - Wikipedia, Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'The Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica (Latin: "mathematical principles of natural philosophy" often Principia or Principia Mathematica for short) is a three-volume work by Isaac Newton published on 5 July 1687. It contains the statement of Newton's laws of motion forming the foundation of classical mechanics, as well as his law of universal gravitation and a derivation of Kepler's laws for the motion of the planets (which were first obtained empirically). The Principia is widely regarded as one of the most important scientific works ever written.' back

Planck's Law - Wikipedia, Planck's Law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'In physics, Planck's law describes the spectral radiance of electromagnetic radiation at all wavelengths from a black body at temperature T. As a function of frequency ν. back

Plant breeding - Wikipedia, Plant breeding - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'Plant breeding is the art and science of changing the traits of plants in order to produce desired characteristics.[1] It has been used to improve the quality of nutrition in products for humans and animals.[2] . Plant breeding can be accomplished through many different techniques ranging from simply selecting plants with desirable characteristics for propagation, to methods that make use of knowledge of genetics and chromosomes, to more complex molecular techniques.' back

Propositional Calculus - Wikipedia, Propositional Caluclus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'In logic and mathematics, a propositional calculus (or a sentential calculus) is a formal system in which formuae representing propositions can be formed by combining atomic propositions using logical connectives, and a system of formal proof rules allows certain formulae to be established as "theorems" of the formal system. . . . Many different formulations exist which are all more or less equivalent but differ in the details of (1) their language, that is, the particular collection of primitive symbols and operator symbols, (2) the set of axioms, or distinguished formulae, and (3) the set of inference rules.' back

Quantum mechanics - Wikipedia, Quantum mechanics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'Quantum mechanics (QM; also known as quantum physics or quantum theory), including quantum field theory, is a fundamental branch of physics concerned with processes involving, for example, atoms and photons. In such processes, said to be quantized, the action has been observed to be only in integer multiples of the Planck constant. This is utterly inexplicable in classical physics.'' back

Rain - Wikipedia, Rain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'Rain is liquid water in the form of droplets that have condensed from atmospheric water vapor and then precipitated—that is, become heavy enough to fall under gravity. Rain is a major component of the water cycle and is responsible for depositing most of the fresh water on the Earth. It provides suitable conditions for many types of ecosystems, as well as water for hydroelectric power plants and crop irrigation.' back

Recovery of Aristotle - Wikipedia, Recovery of Aristotle - Wikipedia, the free encclopedia , 'The "Recovery of Aristotle" (or Rediscovery) refers to the copying or re-translating of most of Aristotle's books (of ancient Greece), from Greek or Arabic text into Latin, during the Middle Ages, of the Latin West. The Recovery of Aristotle spanned about 100 years, from the middle 12th century into the 13th century, and copied or translated over 42 books (see: Corpus Aristotelicum), including Arabic texts from Arabic authors, where the previous Latin versions had only two books in general circulation: Categories and On Interpretation (De Interpretatione).' back

Salvation History - Wikipedia, Salvation History - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'Salvation History (German Heilsgeschichte) seeks to understand the personal redemptive activity of God within human history to effect his eternal saving intentions.
The salvation history approach was adopted and deployed by Christians, beginning with Paul in his epistles. . . . In the context of Christian theology, this approach reads the books of the Bible as a continuous history. It understands events such as the fall at the beginning of history (Book of Genesis), the covenants established between God and Noah, Abraham, and Moses, the establishment of David's dynasty in the holy city of Jerusalem, etc., as seminal moments in the history of humankind and its relationship to God, namely, as necessary events preparing for the salvation of all by Christ's crucifixion and resurrection. ' back

SIPRI, Stockholm International Peace Research Institute: World nuclear forces, 'Overview:
At the start of 2020, nine states—the United States, Russia, the United Kingdom, France, China, India, Pakistan, Israel and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK or North Korea—possessed approximately 13 400 nuclear weapons, of which 3720 were deployed with operational forces (see table 10.1). Approximately 1800 of these are kept in a state of high operational alert.' back

Special relativity - Wikipedia, Special relativity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'Special relativity . . . is the physical theory of measurement in an inertial frame of reference proposed in 1905 by Albert Einstein (after the considerable and independent contributions of Hendrik Lorentz, Henri Poincaré and others) in the paper "On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies". It generalizes Galileo's principle of relativity—that all uniform motion is relative, and that there is no absolute and well-defined state of rest (no privileged reference frames)—from mechanics to all the laws of physics, including both the laws of mechanics and of electrodynamics, whatever they may be. Special relativity incorporates the principle that the speed of light is the same for all inertial observers regardless of the state of motion of the source.' back

Statistical mechanics - Wikipedia, Statistical mechanics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'Statistical mechanics (or statistical thermodynamics is the application of probability theory, which includes mathematical tools for dealing with large populations, to the field of mechanics, which is concerned with the motion of particles or objects when subjected to a force. . . . The essential problem in statistical thermodynamics is to determine the distribution of a given amount of energy E over N identical systems. The goal of statistical thermodynamics is to understand and to interpret the measurable macroscopic properties of materials in terms of the properties of their constituent particles and the interactions between them. This is done by connecting thermodynamic functions to quantum-mechanic equations. Two central quantities in statistical thermodynamics are the Boltzmann factor and the partition function.' back

Talheim Death Pit - Wikipedia, Talheim Death Pit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'The Talheim Death Pit (German: Massaker von Talheim), discovered in 1983, was a mass grave found in a Linear Pottery Culture settlement, also known as a Linearbandkeramik (LBK) culture. It dates back to about 5000 BC. The pit takes its name from its site in Talheim, Germany. The pit contained the remains of 34 bodies, and evidence points towards the first signs of organized violence in Early Neolithic Europe.' back

Tectonics - Wikipedia, Tectonics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'Tectonics . . . is concerned with the processes which control the structure and properties of the Earth's crust, and its evolution through time. In particular, it describes the processes of mountain building, the growth and behavior of the strong, old cores of continents known as cratons, and the ways in which the relatively rigid plates that constitute the Earth's outer shell interact with each other. back

Theory of computation - Wikipedia, Theory of computation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, ' In theoretical computer science and mathematics, the theory of computation is the branch that deals with how efficiently problems can be solved on a model of computation, using an algorithm. The field is divided into three major branches: automata theory and language, computability theory, and computational complexity theory, which are linked by the question: "What are the fundamental capabilities and limitations of computers?" ' back

Turing machine - Wikipedia, Turing machine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, A Turing machine is a hypothetical device that manipulates symbols on a strip of tape according to a table of rules. Despite its simplicity, a Turing machine can be adapted to simulate the logic of any computer algorithm, and is particularly useful in explaining the functions of a CPU inside a computer. The "machine" was invented in 1936 by Alan Turingwho called it an "a-machine" (automatic machine). The Turing machine is not intended as practical computing technology, but rather as a hypothetical device representing a computing machine. Turing machines help computer scientists understand the limits of mechanical computation.' back

United Nations, Official UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights Home Page, 'The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is a milestone document in the history of human rights. Drafted by representatives with different legal and cultural backgrounds from all regions of the world, the Declaration was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in Paris on 10 December 1948 General Assembly resolution 217 A (III) (French) (Spanish) as a common standard of achievements for all peoples and all nations. It sets out, for the first time, fundamental human rights to be universally protected.'' back

United States Declaration of Independence - Wikipedia, United States Declaration of Independence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen United States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.' back

Volkswagen emissions scandal - Wikipedia, Volkswagen emissions scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'On 18 September 2015, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a notice of violation of the Clean Air Act to German automaker Volkswagen Group after it was found that Volkswagen had intentionally programmed turbocharged direct injection (TDI) diesel engines to activate certain emissions controls only during laboratory emissions testing. The programming caused the vehicles' nitrogen oxide (NOx) output to meet US standards during regulatory testing but emit up to 40 times more NOx in real-world driving.' back

Walter Isaacson, The Light Beam Rider, 'Einstein tried to picture what it would be like to travel so fast that you caught up with a light beam. If he rode alongside it, he later wrote, “I should observe such a beam of light as an electromagnetic field at rest.” In other words, the wave would seem stationary. But this was not possible according to Maxwell’s equations, which describe the motion and oscillation of electromagnetic fields.' back

Washington Post: Fact Checker, In four years, President Trump made 30,573 false or misleading claims , ' “We also built the greatest economy in the history of the world…Powered by these policies, we built the greatest economy in the history of the world.”
Fact Check: This is Trump’s favorite false claim, so there should be no surprise he said it twice in his farewell address. (In this database, we only count a falsehood once per venue.) By just about any key measure in the modern era, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Lyndon B. Johnson and Bill Clinton presided over stronger economic growth than Trump.. . . This marks the 493rd time that Trump used a variation of this line, meaning he said it on average every other day.' back

Wind - Wikipedia, Wind - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'Wind is the flow of gases on a large scale. On the surface of the Earth, wind consists of the bulk movement of air. . . . back

World Health Organization, Intimate partner and sexual violence against women, 'Key facts:
Violence against women - particularly intimate partner violence and sexual violence - are major public health problems and violations of women's human rights.
Global estimates published by WHO indicate that about 1 in 3 (35%) women worldwide have experienced either physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence or non-partner sexual violence in their lifetime.
Most of this violence is intimate partner violence. Worldwide, almost one third (30%) of women who have been in a relationship report that they have experienced some form of physical and/or sexual violence by their intimate partner in their lifetime.
Globally, as many as 38% of murders of women are committed by a male intimate partner.'
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